My first Apple/Raspberry JuiceWine

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Senior Member
Oct 31, 2005
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Well this is my first attempt at a non-kit wine. I've made a cider and it is pretty good so here goes:


4 Gallons of Motts apple juice and 2 qts of Walmart apple juice


2 cans of frozen apple concentrate and 2 cans of Apple/Raspberry concentrate, and of course some chemicals.


Of course some Hard Apple cider I made about a month ago. Man that is goooooooooooooooood!!!!!


Here is the ingredient log, printed off of George's web-site.


Some empty containers.

And of course the yeasty-beasties eatin' apple and FARTIN "ALCYHOL"

Here is the recipe, What do you all think.

4.75 Galls of Apple juice

2 - 12oz. cans of Apple/Raspberry juice concentrate

2 - 12oz cans of Apple juice concentrate

1/2 tsp of K-meta

2 tsp of Acid Blend. I did a bit less then the instructions called for, thinking that the Raspberry would add some acid to it.

3 1/2 tsp. yeast nutrient

1 1/4 tsp wine tannin

1 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme

2 lbs sugar in solution.

Mixed it all up in a CLEAN AND SANITIZED primary then pitched the yeast. I did not wait the 24 hrs because I don't have the patience yet.

Initial SG was 1.062 at 66 degrees. That looks around 10 percent abv.

What do you think about the Raspberry? I do not have an acid test kit, hopefully that will come later.

earlEdited by: earl
O.K., 18 hrs. into it and not a sign of fermentation...hmmmmm


Sounds like the start of a fine wine....It would have been better to wait the twenty-four hours before adding the yeast....Did you just dump it in or start it first before adding it to the must....and I question that 1/2 tsp. of K-meta...sounds like a lot.....give it a good stir and see if that helps

I ended up making a starter of sugar, water, yeast nutrient, and more champagne yeast. It has taken hold and is SLOWLY starting to ferment. I added the initial yeast just like in a kit, sprinkling it on top. The 1/2 teaspoon of Kmeta is based on 1/8 tsp. per gallon to get around 40 ppm, about the same as a campden least I think it is about the same. I also think it was a bit cold, I initially had it at about 64 to 66 degrees, I got it warmed up to about 70 degrees before pitching the starter.

Currently enjoying a glass of 2004 yellow tail shiraz..Yummmmmy.

That sounds like you got it....I usaully make a starter for my fruit wines, I think it helps for sugar shock and gets the yeast going faster....have fun.

Please keep us posted on this. I love apple anything and would like to try this one out!!

I will keep posting about this. So far the fermentation has really taken off. It is all stinky and bubbly and it really looks great. I realized I did not have a 5 gallon carboy so I went to order one from George and just couldn't stop clicking the "Add to Cart" button.


Don't you hate that when those shopping attacks happen?!

Glad to hear everything is cooking along nicely!

The first 10 or 12 batches of wine I made I sprinkled the yeast on top and "never" had a case where fermentation failed to start, but my last two batches have been a real bear to start. I made a cherry melomel and had to make a starter to get it going and I just started a niagra and couldn't get it going from sprinkling on top. I've decided from now onto just make startersand go with that. If you make the starter at the same time you start the must, the starter should be going wellby the time your must is ready to innoculate.

Good luck with the wine!
I really think for a homeade fruit wine a starter is the way to go.

Bert ---you are right on the money. I did some calculating after taking a sulfite reading and realized I added about 2.6 grams of Kmeta and that brought my PPM to about 80. It has a strong sulfur taste and I will probably not have to add more Kmeta for a while and a few rackings. I tasted itout of the primary and it has potential. I am going to have to add some apple flavoring prior to bottling. I will probablydivide the batches into 3 groups. Dry, Semi-sweet and Sweet.

I racked itout of the primary yesterday SG 1.004 at 66 degrees.

I think the yeastmay have started if you had waited the 24 hrs....but it is going now and thats what does sound like it will be a good wine...I don't think I would worry about the smell at this time...a lot of co2 coming off and that can give some strange smells...some racking, some stirring that will go away....Good luck....isn't this fun
Lookin Great Earl and every batch you do is a learning experience as you run into different issues.

Glad to see you using the wine log as lots of effort went into that and hope it works well for you.

Thanks for sharing!
The wine log is fantastic. It is really laid out well and really shows the natural progression of a wine. Plus it is a fantastic tool to look back with and see just what actually went into the wine.

Thanks Masta


I am going to stabilize next weekend. I have a full weekend scheduled, bottling a beaujolais, and stabilizing the apple/raspberry. I smelled it the other day and it is a bit stinky but I am going to give it a taste next weekend. I may start another kit, just don't know which one yet.

When should I add the flavoring, at bottling or at a racking? I plan on using a fining agent, will the agent strip the flavoring out of it?


I'm not an expert on the flavorings, but I think they contain sugar, so I would stabilize first and add the flavoring and wait to ensure no further fermentation began with the addition of the flavoring. I may be wrong on the sugar part though.
