Muscat Grape wine Acid addition making the blend

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Jan 25, 2016
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I have 10kgs of Black Muscat grapes, the Indian variety that has a strong rose petal smell and is very sweet. I froze, thawed and checked the sg and it was 1.08 but the ph is 4.3. Dont have tartaric acid at hand so added like 15 grams of citric acid (since primary started only today and I wanted color extraction) and the ph is now still high at 4.

I had the same problem of low acitdity with my orange, banana and raisin wine too. Have added citric acid and some orange zest to it... hope it picks up flavor and taste. Right now its pretty flabby and I am disappointed. But my instinct tells me that it needs some f-pac, acid addition and loads of patience :D. I just happened to see the 3Ps of wine making... my sour point lol.

Now about the grape... should I add tartaric acid or malic acid or citric acid or a blend?

I would be blending the acid by myself... would request the experts to let me know the acid blend that I could make to use for the Orange wine and grape wine. Would it be ok if I add it say around day 3 for the grape? The orange is almost a month old. I want color extraction and the color seems dull with the grape as well as the orange.
I would add tartaric to the grape. get your ph to around 3.1 to 3.4
Thanks Julie. Should i also buy malic and citric acid? Whenis malic acid normally used?
I try to use the acid that is prominent in that grape/fruit. Tartaric is normally in grapes.

And I try a higher acid in my whites. I like a crisp white wine, so I normally shoot for a ph of 3.1
Citric and I would add some tannin to your orange. I know you said it tasted kind of flabby and tannins might help that out.
I finally have tartaric, malic and citic acid after navigating nooks and crannies of my city.

The tartaric has a mild sweet taste and the tartness is also milder.

My grape wine ph is now 3.3. Am keeping the temp between 21 to 23.5 c

Now need to add citric to the orange and get the ph up and increase tannin.

I don't have any tannins with me. I used a cup of strong black tea during the primary for the orange... Could i use one more cup or is there any other natural substitute?
Julie... Just happened to read your post about banana as tannin substitute.

My orange wine is in secondary and there is no tannin anywhere around... What could i add for tannin?
Add a banana, this won't change the flavor of the orange. Some would tell you to add raisins, I am not a fan because I look at raisins as an oxidized grape. Sorry my preference.