Mosti Mondiale MM All Juice Questions

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Nov 2, 2007
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Greetings All. I am fairly new to the forum here, and really appreciate all of the info that is shared here.

I have a couple of questions about the MM All Juice.

1. Is the pail that it is packed in a 7.9 gal that can be used as the primary fermenter?

2. I am thinking about making the Castel de Papa. My wife and I both enjoy Chateauneuf du Pape, but I am no longer willing to pay the price that our favorite wines command. I would appreciate any feedback on the results from anyone who has made this kit.

I'm pretty sure that it comes in a 6-gallon bucket, and I would recommend using a 7.9 gal for fermentation. I'm going to guess that you'll get agreement for that to prevent potential spill-overs.

The buckets, however, do have a seal built into them and would work well to store other items in an air-tight environment.

- Jim
I'm not sure of the exact size of the bucket but it is a bit smaller than the 7.9 gallon size. That red you are looking to do might boil over the supplied pail, but they do say fermentation can be done in it. Probably 9 out of 10 times you can get away with it, but for the price of a 7.9 use that one to be sure. You can use the bucket that it comes in to do beer or make a humidor out of it for storing corks.

I haven't done the Castel de Papa yet but have made the MMAll Juice Pinot Noir- vry nice, and currently am doing the MM Frozen Must Amarone. I have a MM Renaissance Amarone with skins on deck. I also have a MM Vinifera Noble Franc Sauvignon and MM Vinifera Noble Shiraz waiting until after the first to start. Every one of the Mosti's seem to be very nice.
I dont recommend fermenting in this bucket as Ive seen many spill over or even shoot out if using an airlock.

The MM bucket is about 6.9 Gallons and is definitely not large enough
for primary fementation. I have used it for secondary though with good

I have the Castel del Papa next up so will have it going by Christmas. Would like to hear your thoughts on that kit Appleman.

Edited by: Jack on Rainy
I agree that the pail the All Juice kits come in is not big enough to do the primary fermentation in. The juice is actually in a bag inside the bucket.

While I have not done that particular kit, the two All Juice kits I have done (Amarone - bulk aging, Chardonnay - ready for final racking) are excellent.
Is there a gasket around the perimiter of the lid to keep it tight? I want to make an all juice Lambrusco, and I thought I could use the bucket for my 3-gallon aplle wine batches. How is the All Juice Lambrusco, any opinions? My standards are fairly low, my favorite is reunite Lambrusco!!!
Yes, the bucket that it comes in works good as a smaller primaty for wine or beer or even a cork humidifier. Just dont use it for a wine kit as its to small for most fermentations.
Wow I just found out it costs 31$ to ship this to me, so please let me know if the Lambrusco all juice is worth the money!!!
Unfortunately, shipping that wine kits that are anywhere from 4-6 gallons is an expensive aspect of any kit purchase. I can't speak for how good the Lambursco is but I am have an MM ME Grab Barolo kit in clarification/stabilization stages and think it's going to be outstanding. From what I've read on this discussion forum, the MM kits are really good and so probably is worth it.
The other way I look at it, is to divide the cost+shipping/bottles made and it's usually pretty easy to justify....helps me out mentally.
That is how I often talk myself into upgrading a level on a wine kit. Divide it by the number of bottles and then go see what that would get you at the store.
Appleman, I was wondering how your Amarone wine has turned out? I see you have made a couple different variations.

I am really excited to start a MM kit this time around.
PWP, that is what I do also. I also go buy a couple bottles of the same wine, but different prices, to compare the two.
Jwhelan939 said:
Wow I just found out it costs 31$ to ship this to me, so please let me know if the Lambrusco all juice is worth the money!!!
I started my Castel del Papa AllJuice on 12/21. I am now at day 16 and it appears to have completed secondary. I plan on letting it settle for a few more days (although the lees in this wine settle remarkably quickly) before racking it to bulk age for a couple of months. I have followed the instructions to the letter, except that I forgot to put the oak into the secondary before racking and had to addit after.

This is my first red wine kit, and I must say I am impressed. I have been resisting spiriting a bit for a taste, but finally broke down this morning. If this is an example of what to expect from the MM AllJuice, it is worth every penny, including the shipping. While still quite young, this is a remarkably well balanced wine. Terrific aromas, great mouthfeel and finish, and stylistically on point.

My shipping cost was about 35 bucks. At that, the kit still costs me less than $5/bottle. I expect when this is done it will be comparable to wines at 3 to 5 times that price. WIth high end Chateauneuf-du-Pape selling for $50-100 these days, this makes me very happy even though it is not at the level of those high end commercial wines.
I find the MM All-Juice kits to be well worth the cost. I have one recently bottled and one bulk aging. Both have a lot of promise.
uavwmn said:
Appleman, I was wondering how your Amarone wine has turned out? I see you have made a couple different variations.

I am really excited to start a MM kit this time around.

The one was a frozen must so isn't available but the All-Juice should be close. It is really good, but aging now.

The other one is a Mosti Renaissance and I expect this to be excellent with the added raisins. Very good smell.

I don't think you could go wrong with either.
I also like the MM All- Juice kits but wish they would include the grape packs or the raisins with the All-Juice kits, like they do with the16L Renaissance kits.
Most All Juice kits dont need them as they are full bodied as is unlike a weaker strength 16 liter kit.
Makes sense, Wade, but I still think the grape pack or raisins in the primary fermentation stage could make the MM All-Juice kits that much better.