Metric Measurements

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To all those that point out that some people still think miles, pounds, etc, I agree. I even think that way at times. It doesn't alter the fact that metric is far more accurate.
A Flat Earther said 'I'll walk to the ends of the earth to prove the world isn't round'. He hasn't got back yet!

You do seem to have inordinate difficulty with the concepts of "accurate" vs. "easy to use."

As I indicated earlier, no one is defending our continued use of Imperial. I fervently wish we had "grasped the nettle" and switched. As a kid in the '70s, I remember thinking that we really were going to do it -- successfully switch. I recall discussing with classmates whether a "hard conversion" or a "soft conversion" would be better. (In the former, you would buy 500 g cans. In the latter, you would buy 454 g cans.) But, sadly, our society lost the will, and it fizzled.