Mead and blackberry

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Senior Member
Jan 23, 2013
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Mead been stuck at 1.055 to 1.040 for a week OG was 1.095 . Needs to get to .989 Looked up info says to add 3tbs energiser and nutrient to jumpstart ferm. That sound right ?

Other that that its tasting wonderful the blackberry is super racked it last night with another 6 gallons in the bucked be racked this weekend doing one dry one sweet
And a gallon of blackberry mead

Will be starting some caramel apple mead next.
Yes, I would add yeast nutrients. It is low nutrients that are often the cause of slow/stalled mead fermentations. Another issue may be the acidity. With the berries that may help but meads tend to be low in acid, sometimes so low that yeasts really struggle. Acidity of honey varies a lot. You may want to check that your pH is in a normal range.
Did you rehydrate the energizer and nutrients? If not, the bubbles could just be outgassing of trapped CO2. In any case, I would suggest stirring or agitating the carboy to distribute the nutrients and rouse the yeast as well. The flip side is that you seem to have had movement of the SG recently, so this may not have been an issue at all, just the mead doing its thing. Sometimes they slow down and seemingly without cause speed up again.
Yes hydrated in a cup of the mead then added it. It's looking good today 1.025 getting to where it needs to be :) . Going to be hard to let this age smells and tastes sooooo good. Might sample a gallon then bulk age rest.
Finished out at .998 just thought was good last time Taste so good. Will be marking my sampling each month :) And the ph retested with a meter 3.7 . Strips going in trash they all read high 6 to 7 . Might be tint in the wine throwing them off.

Will have to get more of this going soon.
Yes indeed this the first batch that's all mine (no help from dad) already got everything to do Carmel apple mead next. Well I still need to pick up a small brew kettle but hope to start it this weekend. Will be first my dad or I have tried with grains. Hope comes out as good as I've read about.
If you would,keep us updated on the carmel apple.What kind of honey are you using?
I get local honey in bossier city, la it's wildflower. But is awesome nice robust flavor.

If not Carmel flavored enough when time for back sweetening will cook the honey down a bit to bring forth the Carmel.
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