WineXpert Marbles and Patientce ?

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Cove Cottage

Senior Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Being a "newbie" on theforum I have read almost every post.Gotta tell ya, the posts about marbles intrigues me. Enquiring minds want to know ... when, how, how many and what kind do you use?


I keep seeing the word patiencementioned and I was wondering ...Will it help tobulk age my VR Zinfandel kit?When I started this wine I wanted to get it into the bottles ASAP. Now however, I'm willing to spend the time if it will help the wine. Let me know what you think.
Bulk aging will help, but only to know the wine is ready to bottle. Bottle only after the wine is clear and free of sediment.A year bottle aging will help more than anything.

Some people use marbles instead of topping up with water or wine. Normal glass marbles.
I'm sitting here reading this and I just realized I didn't sanitize my
marbles before I put them in the wine.....opp's....they had been
sitting in the box in the attic for years. Cove, get a green apple
Island mist or other flavor kit from George, they are ready to bottle
in 4 weeks and ready to drink most of the time then too, so you can
enjoy while your other wine ages, I made a Island Mist Wildberry
Schiraz for my first kit and everyone loved it.