Man with injury keeps clicking Last Bottle Marathon refresh button

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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LOL, so I hurt my left knee and it swelled up for about a week. (How did you do that, Jim? I have no FREAKING idea! Old age sucks.) Can't do anything but sit around.

So... Last Bottle had a Marathon on Thursday, Friday and into Saturday morning. Here's the calculus:

Injured Bored Jim + Computer + LB Marathon + Clicking to refresh = 14 bottles of wine.

🤣 🤣 🤣

At the beginning I'd planned to buy more, but there was a lot of clicking through stuff that was uninteresting or too high (highest price I saw: $5,999 for a 750 ml bottle). This one just didn't have what I usually, and usually pretty successfully, look for.

But still ... FOURTEEN bottles. Sigh... :cool:
"Hmmm," I thought. "I injured my knee while out working on the rider, but maybe..."

So, I have a bottle of Uric Acid herbal supps. Took 2 yesterday; swelling is way down today.

Yup, gout. I'd been eating too many beef sticks and tree nuts, I guess. On the mend.

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