making jelly for gifts

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Senior Member
May 16, 2005
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Iwent to my Daughters house and picked 10 lemons and 7 of them made 4 cups of juice. I will be making lemon jelly tonight.

In the jelly pic from l to r Lemon marmalade,Lemon jelly,Wine jelly & Jalapeno jelly. So far i have made about 125 jars of jelly , They make good Christmas Presents

Hope everyone has a Merry and safe Christmas

What is wine Jelly? Obviously you would use wine, But what kind? Merlot? Reisling? Would I follow the same recipe as I do for my fruit jellies?

I made some Blackberry, Blueberry and Strawberry Jellies to mail out to people as Christmas gifts this year, along with a bottle or 2 of wine. Really makes a nice looking gift.
I had some of Masta's Jalapeño jelly and it was awesome and i really didnt think I was going to like it but as I always say, try it, ya never know!
I have never seen such huge lemons as the ones that grow here in Texas. A patient brings them to me about this time of year and they are as big as a large orange. They make the best lemonade in the world and I have a potted lemon tree growing from the seeds(very easy to grow). I know that what you have made must be excellent!!!

The tree my daughter & son in lawhave is 3 years old and must have had 50 lemons on it. My son in laws mom gives him a fruit tree for his birthday. My daughter lives about a mile from the Haak Winery.