Making a 2L batch of jalapeno?

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Junior Member
Nov 29, 2012
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DH brought home some "really cute" peppers from the farmers market. Now everything he cooks brings tears to our eyes (he's got to use them, you see).
Anyhow, I figured I' just nick them and make a small (very small) batch of jalapeño wine. Seen as I don't want to use my habitual fermenters and carboys, a 2L wine bottle came to mind...
Any reason not to do such a small batch?

We got some threads on making hot pepper wine. I actually make a niagara wine and then add hot peppers after fermentation and let it age for at least weeks and another one I do is a raspberry then again after fermentation add some hot peppers and let it age.
MY LAST BATCH I USED FRESH niagra juice as a base and added 24 Jalepeno peppers during fermentation along with 12 banana peppers. Turned out pretty good if I do say so...