Lost in translation

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Senior Member
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
Banbury UK
Two Mexicans got lost in the desert for a week. At death's door they spot a tree in the distance. As they get nearer they see that every branch is draped with rashers of bacon; smoked bacon, crispy bacon, juicy dripping bacon, all sorts of bacon.
'Hey Pepe,' says the first Mexican. 'Ees a bacon tree! We're saved!' He dashes off towards the tree and as he gets within a few yards of it, he is gunned down in a hail of bullets. His friend drops to the ground and yells across to the dying man: 'Pepe! Pepe! Que pasa, hombre?' With his last breath Pepe calls out, 'Ugh! Run amigo, run ~ ees not a bacon tree, ees a ham bush!'

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