Lime Wine

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Senior Member
Jul 26, 2011
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Here in Texas we get Lime juice frozen concentrate, can I use this to make wine and does Lime wine work, can it be done, I bought some Calcium Carbonate to take over if the acid is too high, I do not have a can with me but I think it consisted of Lime Juice, Corn Syrup (which may be the downfall), water and Citric Acid. I know it may be paturized and I may get peptic haze, I really am not concerned with clarity but taste, any advice can you one make Lime Wine, even with fresh limes, if so anyone have a recipe, or will the Limeade work?
MMMMMMmmmmmm Lemon Lime Skeeter Pee! My Raspberry lime is going quickly.............
Do you have one?


I've been down to Southern Texas... the fruit is great! Limes, grapefruit, oranges... it's great.

I was wondering if you have a hydrometer? Knowing your brix level/specific gravity, is an inexpensive critical tool to have as a wine maker.

Sorry for asking this basic question, but needed to know.

Yes I have a Hydrometer, I haven't started this wine I was just thinking about it.
Go to Lon's website and check out his skeeter pee recipe. You can use that recipe and substitute all or part of the lemon with lime, kinda depends on what kinda drink you like. It's all good, Arne.