Lime in the coconut... Extracts?

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Wine & Scotch
Dec 27, 2013
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I really like the idea of a lime - coconut wine... (or lets be honest wine cooler :))... the question is anyone used extracts? I think it's really the only way to do it, make a batch of lime wine, back sweeten the add the extract? Question is what impacts (if any) does the extract have on the wine or bottling? I'm assuming it's safe since most soda is made from an extract?

The other option would be actual coconut in the must?
I've made the Coconut Frascati kit by Cornucopia that turned out great. I increased the starting S.G. To 1.090. I don't know how it would turn out adding limes to the must. It might be better to add lime flavoring afterward. Just an option to consider.

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You can make extracts out of almost anything. When making lime or orange,etc. you can refrigerate it for a month which helps the extraction process. Then dump out the limes and put another batch in and do the process again. I can get close to 6 limes in a bottle of vodka before you can't get anymore in--so to make the extract more limey, you have to repeat the process.

However, here's another thing we do. Every year, we make quite a bit of Niagara wine. And we make a blend that everyone just loves which is Niagara/lime. At bottling time, we add 2 cans of limeaide to it, sweeten it a bit more and bottle. The wine will be cloudy and dirty-looking but the flavor is fantastic. Don't filter the pieces of lime out--we tried that once and the lime flavor wasn't high enough. It will hold up well in the bottle for about 1 year. Just be sure to shake it up before uncorking because the lime settles down to the bottom. I'm sure you could try the limeaide with nearly any white wine, but it works well with Niagara because the flavor of the grape isn't tamped down by the lime flavor.