Lilac Wine smells terrible before it even starts

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I have never tried a flower wine, but the only one I have made that the must didn't smell good was watermelon. Fermented it out and my nose never did let me even try it. Also the only one that went down the drain. Good luck with it, but I am bettin it won't get any better. Arne.
Lilac can smell quite vegetal, I guess is how I would describe it. They typically come back around.
My lilac wine smelled bad to start. It is already improving. Stay with it.
I've just started a Lilac Mead - it smelled sort of creamy before I pitched my yeast. Now after 3 days of fermenting, it smells like nasty. I'm going to assume this is normal :)

Are you going to make a lilac f-pack or rack on to fresh flowers or anything? I've been toying with the idea.
I've been following the couple of threads on flowers and I'm hoping the general consensus is correct that they take a while to come around. I started a gallon and half of Honeysuckle/Orange about 6 weeks ago, smelled awesome for about 1/2 of day one. Smelled like lawn clippings for the next 2 days. Smelled like fresh brewed Tea for another couple of days and then settled down to something vaguely organic. I forced myself to take the tiniest sip over the weekend and didn't have to spit it out, the orange is almost noticeable now and the essence of the honeysuckle is there, but in an odd kind of unexplainable way. I'm thinking a second racking (it's cloudy like grapefruit juice) and hiding it away for 6 months to see what happens. I do think backsweetening will be needed but I'm going to wait till much later to see. Keep up the posts, really curious whether the flowers are worth the effort or just something to do because it's odd and unique.
Mike inspired me to just go check my honeysuckle. It was started on 10/8/12 from dried petals, SG 1.080. It of course is bone dry, golden yellow in bulk, golden white in the glass. Nose is a delicate floral, quite smooth from start to finish. Encouraged another sip. Have some chilling to see where that takes it. I think it is time to start my tasting trials to see where I want to go with this, maybe a bit of orange blossom honey, or perhaps just simple syrup with petals steeped in the hot liquid.
I have actually found my flower wines come around quicker than a country fruit. It honestly will depend on how you structure it, or at least that is my theory. I simply forgot I had this one.
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I racked my Lilac Mead the other day and dared a little sip - it's vegetative, with a sort of creamy taste, and then a hint of lilac and vanilla. I'm very interested to see where this will go over the next 6 months!