WineXpert LE Super Tuscan

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You should be ok, 2 spirals for 6 gallons. Taste after 45 days and determine if you want to leave it. If you feel it's to much oak rack and remove spirals.
Tasted this one last night and think I'm going to rack off the oak next week. It's short of the 45 days I was planning. But, I think two spirals was probably too much for me. Maybe some finishing tannins for the next 6 weeks before I rack/bottle.
Jim, a few here have said you want to go a little bit on the heavy side, more than you want it to end up, as it will slowly integrate into the wine as it ages. I've already noticed after three months that the intensity, which at the time I thought may be too much, has noticeably dropped in my Diablo Rojo. I'm sure it will drop more as time goes by. You may be at the perfect place to pull them if you think it is a little too much.
Jim, a few here have said you want to go a little bit on the heavy side, more than you want it to end up, as it will slowly integrate into the wine as it ages. I've already noticed after three months that the intensity, which at the time I thought may be too much, has noticeably dropped in my Diablo Rojo. I'm sure it will drop more as time goes by. You may be at the perfect place to pull them if you think it is a little too much.

I put it this way - it was a bit chewy and the taste was off. So, yeah, I think I'm there.
Racked off the oak and did a little degassing... Very tasty - fruity and rounded with nice body. I could have served a bottle of this with dinner (lasagna) and not have been disappointed. I have to marvel at home much CO2 I can pull from the wine with the brake bleeder. Some day, I'll get an AIO (maybe for Christmas this year).
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So, thanks to Craig, I added some Tannin Riche Extra to the Carboy last night. Warmed some wine, mixed the tannin in it, then poured back in to the Carboy.

Now... We wait.
It's now three weeks after adding the TRE and I can bottle the Super. The question,of course, is - should I? It's sufficiently degassed and I don't plan to tweak it any further.
I bottled this one today and sampled a glass while corking. This is going to be very good. Maybe not as big as I hoped, but certainly full of flavor. Pleasant.

I got 28 bottles of 750 ml, and another 4 bottles of 375 ml, out of it Carboy.

Naming it -

Miei Quattro Belle Figlie
I just racked mine yesterday. Almost 5 months old and clear now. It'll go into the barrel in a few weeks for about 3 months. Tasting very nice so far.
Gave the Super a ride last night. It's probably going to need another 6 months. But, it's tasting less like a green kit and more like a commercial Super Tuscan.

I think I rushed the bottling a little and ended up with a cloudy couple of bottles to finish up. The one I had last night was clear, though.

I may have to do the Eclipse Barolo this year. Though that would be 4 big red Italians in the stable at once. I'm okay with that.
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This wind is now 7 months old. I haven't tasted it in a while. Think my next taste will be in April. I don't have any 375's of this one anymore (oddly enough). So, I want to hold off until the wine is closer to being done. 8 months should get us there.
I have to taste my ST to see how it is coming alone...,
This wind is now 7 months old. I haven't tasted it in a while. Think my next taste will be in April. I don't have any 375's of this one anymore (oddly enough). So, I want to hold off until the wine is closer to being done. 8 months should get us there.

Man up!! Wait for 12 months!! :D

(In January, you said it needed 6 more months)