Ladies for Christmas

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Ladies, what would be a great gift for Christmas from a love one, excluding wine stuff.
A few things that have gone over well (depending on what she's in to):
1) Massage or spa treatment
2) Art supplies (canvas, paints, watercolour pencils, etc.), or other crafting stuff
3) Music: mp3's, cd's, sheet music for an instrument
4) Photo shoot for a beauty shot
5) That thing she's been eyeing and sighing over for the last couple of months

Hope that helps!
Boy, did I get the wrong idea when I read the topic of this thread(LOL).

Very good question. As it is, Me and the MRS play the "What do you want for Christmas" game starting at the end of September.

As years go by, it gets harder and harder to get a gift for the mrs. I hate to blow good money on getting a gift just for the sake of getting her a gift. I have told her that unless she comes up with some suggestions, she should not expect much on Christmas morning. This went over like a lead balloon.

On another thought, people always wonder why I HATE that Christmas song "all I want for Christmas is you". It is such a lie! just try this.. Get her nothing. Stick a bow on your head and say "here I am" on Christmas morning. See what happens! .. But I digress.....
Advice to men: Please don't give us blenders, toaster ovens, etc., nothing to do with cooking or kitchen, we can pick those on our own, all we want for Christmas is to enjoy ourselves, so give your women something to relax, and enjoy, like Rayway suggested.... (same rule applies to mother's day)...:b
I am lucky in that my wife tells me exactly what she wants.

Last year it was a kindle fire. (got one. She loved it, has read close to 30 books)

This year she wants a couple of necklaces, underwear and the kids got her feeted jammies!!!

There is never a harm in grabbing some gift cards to a women's clothing store, hair store.
Or the good old stand by is Yoga pants.
Ever women needs a few pairs!
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My wife goes out and buys stuff for herself, then tells me not to get anything for her because she got her Christmas presents already. I honestly do think I'd get away with not putting anything under the tree after that, but I'm afraid to try it. :)
I must have the best wife in the world. Last year, she came home from work one day and I suggested that we get the most unromantic Christmas present ever, a new washer and dryer (every time we used the washer it came unbalanced and the dryer want getting clothes dry fast enough). I thought she was going to cry.

This year, she suggested new appliances in the kitchen. Dummy me didn't jump at that.
My wife goes out and buys stuff for herself, then tells me not to get anything for her because she got her Christmas presents already. I honestly do think I'd get away with not putting anything under the tree after that, but I'm afraid to try it. :)

She sounds like me :)
On another thought, people always wonder why I HATE that Christmas song "all I want for Christmas is you". It is such a lie! just try this.. Get her nothing. Stick a bow on your head and say "here I am" on Christmas morning. See what happens! .. But I digress.....

Maybe you are putting to bow in the wrong place:)
I like to get whatever makes my life easier. Most of the time that involves appliances. I don't mind getting them as a gift because I usually want a really nice one and can't seem to justify buying it for myself.
For the 'fun' things in life, I don't know anyone who doesn't like iPads. Even my 86 yr old mother in law has one. Kindle Fire HD is also pretty nice.
Spa days.. eh. In all honestly, that says "I didn't know what else to get".
Speaking of which, jewelry says the same. HOWEVER, it says it in a much nicer way and is totally acceptable. :D
Very good question. As it is, Me and the MRS play the "What do you want for Christmas" game starting at the end of September.

As years go by, it gets harder and harder to get a gift for the mrs. I hate to blow good money on getting a gift just for the sake of getting her a gift. I have told her that unless she comes up with some suggestions, she should not expect much on Christmas morning. This went over like a lead balloon.

On another thought, people always wonder why I HATE that Christmas song "all I want for Christmas is you". It is such a lie! just try this.. Get her nothing. Stick a bow on your head and say "here I am" on Christmas morning. See what happens! .. But I digress.....

THANK YOU JohnT! :br I am relieved to find that I am not alone in the quest for the perfect Christmas....Valentine...Birthday...Mothers Day and Anniversary gift. Whenever one of these "special" days rolls around, I feel like Indian Jones out there searching for the holy grail. After all of these years, what is out there to buy and like with you, I hate to throw good money away on something that will not be used. Over that past two years, she has been working from home, so that now rules out clothes for work, jewelry and any type of perfume. Beats me!
I was thinking of getting my wife a new table saw.

Hey! We just found two of those in our garage!

*Sigh* totally ruins my Canadian Tire Catalog shopping.

(we also found 3 hammer drills, antique sewing machine, 4 circular saws...)
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anything to make her life easier. If she has a hobby, buy into it, at least with what you put into your wine one! :)
My wife has always been difficult to purchase for. She's not into Jewelery or things of that nature. Last year she got a samsung tablet, year before she said she wanted a laptop. This year she actually asked for a pair of hoop earings since she lost one of her other pair.