lack of bubbles in air lock

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Jan 12, 2008
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I am a newbie so forgive me if these questions sound naive. I have a Vinifera Soave that I started 1/20 which had an SG of 1090 and racked it on day 5 with an SG of 1000. It is now day 8 and I am noticing that the air bubbles have decreased dramatically. There isvery little activity. Is this common? I am pretty sure I have kept the temp at 71 continuosly but I am asleep at night so can't be 100% sure. Also while I am at it, oak was added when racked and directions said to leave in for 7 days. How am I supposed to remove the oak? Thanks in advance for not laughing at me and for all your help.
That is a good thing as you are almost done fermenting. You SG should be right around where the directions say to add stabilizing and fining agents but wait the recommended days specified by the instructions and double check that by verifying that you have a stable SG by checking a few days in a row before going to that next step. Congratulation's, youve just fermented your first wine!
I wasconcerned because the directions say to take anotherreading at day 12 and that it should be complete by day 20. I'm way ahead of that schedule. Does it always work so quickly?
It is better to have it ferment a little quick than not at all or to stall out. Those can cause problems. You had a good healthy active fermentation. Leave the oak in until time to rack. When you rack it off into a clean carboy, you will leave the oak behind.
Ok guys, now I am perplexed. I did another reading at day 12 and had an SG of 995. Did another reading today at day 15 and have an SG of 998. Did I do something wrong? Is this normal? Help me please........

Be sure to spin the hydrometer to get rid of air bubbles. The closer to done the more bubbles hidden in the wine and they can make the hydrometer float a bit higher than it should. Different temps will also give different readings, but I doubt that is your case.
We spun the hydrometer as directed on the test. Don't think the temp is any different. Will check again tomorrow. What would it mean to get a higher reading today than last Friday, other than the bubble thing?
Just check it agin a couple days in a row. Now and then you get a reading that seems unlikely and when you do it agin later get different results. Don't worry about it, that is a very small difference. Just wait until the readings stabilize at a good low value likeyou have now.