Labels and Suggestions

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Senior Member
Apr 2, 2005
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this is my first label, and when i went to put it on, some of the letters got smeared or "mushy" even after 2 coats of polyerathane spray... any ideas to keep this from happening to next round... or any other ideas for improving my label in general??
The small change I would make is something like this. (Sorry, DIdn't know what font that was off the top of my head, so I just used arial.


You also might want to consider a pretty border around your label. Like this:(It's not pretty, but you get the idea.


Also, I noticed that the quality (dpi) wasn't that high. You might want to up it to about 600 at least - you get a lot better picture quality, no matter with what kind of images.

Also, with the smudging. I don't know what other people do, but have you ever thought about clear contact paper? Maybe you could just put that over and see if it sticks well. My wines are not for super-duper long storage, so I have never tried it. I am assuming that your inkjet printer has water-based dye in it, or it could be the paper that's not ink-jet-drip-proof. I would play around with the paper option if you really want to use the polyurethane.

Hope this helps. BTW, silly me.
I forgot to say how much I loved your labels!
My comments are just totally minor ones. You have some good lookin' labels!

MartinaEdited by: MedPretzel

My breakfast-date backed out on me today(
!!), so I have a few hours "extra" time, and I thought I'd play around with your label. The more I looked at it, the more the barrell in the middle bothered me. What bothered me was that it was in black and white.

So, I went on Google, search images, and found this one, that was quite similar, but only in color. Since it was in color, I took the little grapey-vines off to show the main thing - the name and the barrel.

Please don't feel like I don't like your original label. I do. Just think of it as "If 100 people were to design a label for Syrah, what would they come up wth, but stick to these basic ideas."
Since I've got time, I thought I'd try it out.

Nice font! Which one is it?

Oh yes, here's the label.

Great label concept to begin with and excellent touch up work!

Clean and simple - that's the best design approach. I like the result!

The other option is to take your image to Kinkos or local print shop
and have them print your labels with a laserprinter (300dpi or better)
to prevent smudging/smearing.

Good job guys!
Thanks for all the little input and lots of effort!!!... Martina if you keep having all this free time, you might have to become a professional label maker... the font was Neptial Script or Nuptial Script... its amazing how a couple little changes really make a difference... Alan, I tried taking the pictures to Office depot, and they said they couldn't run the label paper through the printer because it kept jamming, so I just assumed kinko's was going to be the same... i'll definately give it a shot

I just finished these wines and labels and I think that I have figured out the is just as much fun to make the labels as the wines.

RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock

I'll get the sizing right eventually.....cb yours looks really great!Edited by: rgecaprock

This is where I test for sweetness...if it needs measures 750ml.

Edited by: rgecaprock
Better take pictures...if you are like me you give most of it away to your friends!!!! Ramona

Edited by: rgecaprock
A little fun twist on the pictures.....them I'm done....don't want to bore ya....

Edited by: rgecaprock
cbwenger said:
Thanks for all the little input and lots of effort!!!... Martina if you keep having all this free time, you might have to become a professional label maker... the font was Neptial Script or Nuptial Script... its amazing how a couple little changes really make a difference... Alan, I tried taking the pictures to Office depot, and they said they couldn't run the label paper through the printer because it kept jamming, so I just assumed kinko's was going to be the same... i'll definately give it a shot

No no!!!! RGE has the edge over all of us, I believe.
, but thank you for the compliment. Like I said, I had a little extra time on my hands, and it worked out. I really like that font! My next wine will have it on it! If you have Office Max in the area, you could try it there too. If not, some UPS stores have copying facilities. Kinkos does the most, actually. I have always been happy with them. If not, take it to work and (bribe someone to) do it there.

It looks great - I like your label. I should be looking for a dayjob, but my other hobby (genealogy) is consuming me like the dickens lately!!!!!
wow Ramona.... how did you do that ??? did you draw that yourself ??? i really like the gwertzaminer picture how it isn't bordered, just kind of blends into the ladel, but the drawing or painting of your bottles is extraordinary!!!