kmeta and degasing before bottling??

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Dec 18, 2013
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I have been bulk aging wine (2 x Regina Juice pails - red) sice December 2013....

When I added Kmeta at my first racking in January, I added a whole teaspoon by mistake, as a result I skipped adding kmeta on successive rackings.

I dont have anyway to test the sulphites in it and I'd like to bottle it tonight, should I rack it with a little kmeta before doing so?

Also, is it fair to presume it has had enough time to degas naturally?
You shouldn't have a gas problem at this point. I can only guess at the k-meta and that guess would be if you've racked 2 or 3 time since dec. you could add 1/8th to each and be safe.
I think I would personally add 1/4 tsp per 5 gallon - considering its been a long time since you overdosed it
I agree with Steve, full dose at this time. Dec used 1/4. March was due another 1/4, June another, September another. By my reckoning it is about due, plus you'll prob want to keep reds longer than whites, so full dose to be safe. I feel your pain, free SO2 meter is next on my must buy list.

Pam in cinti
Yea this just happened to me. I had a whole case and a half of Pinot Grigio go flat in me because of a lapse in SO2...

I need to get a free SO2 meter and a ph meter. Is there something that does both?
There is the Vinmetric SC 300 that does both PH, SO2 & TA as well. It can check free & total SO2. Just received mine last week but haven't tried it out yet. The winery is in the middle of a serious remodel & a total MESS! Cost is $379 for the meter, chems& acc. Appears to be a fair traded item. Roy
Thanks Roy! I might have to just go for that and not get them separately.

I hope your remodel goes well!!

Thanks everyone, I racked it and added kmeta. There was pressure in the airlock after stirring it in, so I'll let that dissipate before bottling.

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