RJ Spagnols Kit Reviews

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Senior Member
Jun 11, 2012
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I'm considering making the following Orchard Breezen kits as FVW has them on sale this month. Has anyone tried them? If so, can you give me your opinion?

Blueberry Shiraz
Green Apple Gewürztraminer
Raspberry White Zin
Sangria with Seville Orange
I've had the first 3.

Delicious, in the right setting. The right setting is hanging around the pool in 90 degree heat with a big glass of ice!

Not really a wine, more like a wine cooler.
I've had the first 3.

Delicious, in the right setting. The right setting is hanging around the pool in 90 degree heat with a big glass of ice!

Not really a wine, more like a wine cooler.

I'm not concerned about that. I'll boost the ABV and backsweeten to taste rather than follow the kit exactly. I'm more concerned with the overall flavor. I'm also considering swapping the Raspberry White Zin for the Blackberry Merlot.
I made the Green Apple and it is a big hit with friends and family. I'll probably start another one soon because they go quick this time of year. I chose to use half the F-pack in primary because I didn't want it so sweet in the end. That ended up being a good decision. It was good to drink as soon as it cleared but got much better after several weeks in the bottle. I'm planning to save at least two bottles to see what they are like after a year.
I haven't made any of the kits you listed but the OB Peach Chardonnay is always a BIG hit and I can't make enough to keep up with the demand!
I've made every kit you mentioned including the blackberry. They were all very good. I add about 1/3-1/2 of the flavor pack in the beginning and up the sg to about 1.08.
I've made every kit you mentioned including the blackberry. They were all very good. I add about 1/3-1/2 of the flavor pack in the beginning and up the sg to about 1.08.

Ok, thanks for the info! I went ahead and bought the Green Apple Gewürztraminer and Sangria with Seville Orange to try out next month. If they turn out well, I'll try the other 2.

Maybe what I should have asked was...are any of the Orchard Breezin kits NOT good...lol.
Maybe what I should have asked was...are any of the Orchard Breezin kits NOT good...lol.
It depends what you like. They are all sweeter than some folks like. They are lower in alcohol than some folks want. Both of those are fixable. Some people don't like the specific fruit flavour (too strong, too weak, tastes fake, not my thing). For example, I won't be trying Apple Pomegranate or Banana Pineapple Viognier, just not flavours that I expect to like.

"I've made every kit you mentioned including the blackberry. They were all very good. I add about 1/3-1/2 of the flavor pack in the beginning and up the sg to about 1.08"

Dan when you do this, does it change your initial SG from what the kit says it should be? I want to do this next time which will only be my 3rd kit.

p.s. Sorry, haven't figured out the quote thing yet!
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Please disregard my post above. I posted a new question since this was probably not the way to ask a new question. :)
The Blackberry Merlot is an excellent 'wine' for your friends/family that aren't really wine drinkers. I've made it twice and it's been well received both times.
I made the Green Apple and it is a big hit with friends and family. I'll probably start another one soon because they go quick this time of year. I chose to use half the F-pack in primary because I didn't want it so sweet in the end. That ended up being a good decision. It was good to drink as soon as it cleared but got much better after several weeks in the bottle. I'm planning to save at least two bottles to see what they are like after a year.

I am waiting for the cranberry chardonnay to be shipped to me. It is not an Orchard breezing kit. I was wondering if I should use just 1/2 the Fpack on this one?? I want these to be Christmas gifts this year. :)
I'm assuming you would have similar results. Some people just add sugar to the primary and add the f-pack to taste at the end. I added it at the beginning to avoid losing any possible green apple flavor from the f-pack. It worked out well for me. Are you doing this to boost the abv% and cut down the sweetness?