Kit & Country Wines of Warren

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Senior Member
Apr 3, 2005
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It happened! It finally happened! We had our first meeting of the Kit & Country Wines of Warrenon Sunday.
I'm so excited! It was an impromptu meeting that started at 7:30 that night.We didn't know about it until we got home shortly before 5. We managed to unpack from the weekend and rack 2 wines before heading out the door with wines for sampling and other things. We tasted a bunch of wines, (I know you won't believe this, but the PWP ran that part of the show) watched a short video and talked. It was well enjoyed by all! We were really pleased. EVERYONE is very excited about the floor corker, a gift from Waldo, Appleman and Job. They thank you all very much!

As I said, I ran the tasting, and even remembered to take a picture of it before everything was gone.

Lots of tasting and talking happened.



Lots of laughing!


Our mascot, Bingo!


Even a home brewed beer was tasted! We have a 2-handed drinker in our group!
Our next meeting will be on 1/15 and there will be more pictures and news.
And so the fun begins. Next meeting you will have 8 then 15 and then who knows! Good luck and may all your wine be Mighty Fine!
Looks like a great time PWP.......... Keep us posted on all the events........ who knows.......... if air fair is reasonable....... you could get some surprise guest some day for your events.................

Are there a lot of beer makers that make wine? Never tried making beer but always wondered if it was any good?......... not a big beer drinker.

Edited by: jobe05
Oh! I forgot about a few things! There were 7 of us, including Bert and me. The next day someone from the sheriff's department mentioned they'd heard about it up at the office and some of them were interested! At least we'll know where the deputies will be during meetings!
Sounds like a fun time....we don't often leave the house after dark...leave alone drive anywhere after 'tasting'....

Good luck with your group.

Maybe one of these days we'll show up on your doorstep.
Job & Northern,There's always room for more at a wine makers meeting! I did only tasting, and I didn't sample all of the wines. After all, it was a school night!

The wines that were used for lessons were all ours. And at this point I can't even remember what all we had there. I know we did have Stag's Leap District Merlot, Green Apple Riesling, Wildberry Shiraz and a lot of wines between there.
I don't know who made the beer. I was not around when they opened it and I didn't really pay much attention to it, other than a sip sample.
Looks like a great time PWP, Jobe, I'll pick you up from the airport, I think its only proper we attend one of these, just to lend support...and drink some fine wine!
PWP , when do you guys plan on starting one, and any plans on what it will be?
I've thought of the same thing, a wine makers club that is, for our town. But maybe we'll get a bus and run over your way for your next meeting. Its only 180 miles or so. We could get Joan or Ramona to make us a side banner for the busthat says:

"Fine Vine Wines North"

What if we brought some of our own......
bj4271 said:
Congratulations on getting the club going. Where's Bingo's glass?

Bingo doesn't need a glass, he carries a small barrel around like a St. Bernard and sips it through a straw. PWP had them remove it for the picture so we could see how cute the dog really is alone.
Sounds like you got it kicked off in style PWP.....Congrats and keep the info and pictures coming
That looks like a blast!!! But Warren...isnt that a city here in Wisconsin? Sounds like a long way for you to drive. lol

They do grows a lot of Cranberries there though.

I love the German Shorthair Pointer.

Mine was 9 1/2 when we put him down.Best Damn hunting dog there ever was

CHEERS to you and your group
The one in Wisconsin is Warrens. This is just Warren. No cranberries but lots of sugar beets to sweeten the cranberry wine.
Bingo the dog doesn't drink alcohol as she's the D.D. (Designated Dog)
Next meeting is on 1/15, guests will always be welcome. I think we're going to start a kit or 2 and maybe drink some wine.
PWP<excellent,there is nothing better than sharerring good wine and food with people who have the same interest that you do,great step I belong to the SOUTH JERSEY WINE MAKERS,were 3.5 years old now have a great web site and meet once a month ,23 to 30 strong and mostly couples each month is a different topic,this month the meeting is at my place and the subjects are,F/PACS--extracts --and forced carbonation process our meetings usually last 4hrs. but on special subjects like this meeting 5hrs.will be needed,everyone brings a dish and a great time is had by all,the last 3 yrs. we went to the renult winery for our party and if you sign onto our site you can see the diffrerent meetings we've had,if I can and I stated before,at this meeting I will see if I can get pictures and post them here,wine people are excitting people and make for a great time for all
ONE WORD ([email protected])
The second meeting of Kit & Country Wines of Warren was held last night. I couldn't go but Bert was there with an excited audience. Ted had been to Minneapolis on business and brought home kits for the group, avoiding shipping charges. First Bert did aShow & Tell about sanitation, explaining the importance of sanitation to the whole wine making process.

They learned how to make simple syrup, a much focused group.

Temperatures were checked and the Raytek gun (Handheld, noncontact thermometer) was a big hit! Everyone loves to play with the Raytek! The cats love to play with it too!


They all had fun starting the kits and here's poor Ted, left holding the bag!


They also learned to rack a wine using an auto syphon, when they racked Ted's choke cherry wine.

Everyone had loads of fun. Except me. Who couldn't be there. Who can't believe that anyone would have fun without me.

Any suggestions for topic ideas for meetings will be appreciated. Everyone in the goup is new to the process, except us.
Degassing would be a great topic as its the most brought topic on every forum. I like that Raytec gun!
Yes, but they are not always nice over there!
If you ask a question over there that has been asked before, you get the responce to do a search when it would have been easier just to explain again as we do. Its easy enough to do, more personal, and just the more polite and right thing to do!