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Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
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A couple of questions....

1. I pushed the grommet through the lid into my bucket of Blackberry Merlot..... Is it going to affect my wine if I leave it? Or should I fish around in there and remove it?

2. While putting together an Orchard Breezin Strawberry Riesling, I failed to use the packet of yeast that came with the kit (Lalvin EC 1118).... Dunno what I was thinking, I just mindlessly went to the refrigerator and pulled out a packet of Red Star Pasteur Champagne yeast and sprinkled it on....... How will this affect my kit??

Thanks for your help.
The grommit wont really affect the wine as long as it was cleaned and sanitized with the rest of your gear. You may want to order a few extra. They do get lost.
The yeast should be ok. Don't worry too much.
Thanks, Dan...
It was sanitized...and thankfully I do have a few extra's on hand.

Really glad to hear that the yeast will be ok. I wonder if it will affect the taste?

Thanks for your reply.
As long as the wine is kept at a good temperature and the yeast doesn't get stressed I don't see any off flavors being produced. I'm sure Wade, Tom or Rich will chime in soon with some input.
U R fine. Just try to "save" it when racking. If this was a primary you do not need a airlock. At what stage are you when this happened?
MaineGal said:
I had just finished putting it together in the primary.
Thought so. Leave the lid laying on top with no airlock till the gravity is 1.020. Then lock the lid w/ airlock and foll the kit directions.
Thanks you guys...

Now here's another question...

The kits I am making instruct me to leave them in the primary until day 14 or when fermentation stops. However, I have a friend that has been teaching me how to make wine, and she recommends leaving them in the primary for 30 days, and then racking to the secondary.

Do any of you leave your wine in the primary for longer than 14 days??
I would not let it sit for 30 days if its a kit. Kit wines will ferment dry (.990) fast depending on the temp. I would rack it when the gravity says its done not the time
tepe said:
Thought so. Leave the lid laying on top with no airlock till the gravity is 1.020. Then lock the lid w/ airlock and foll the kit directions.

How many days (approx) do you leave your wine this way Tepe? I ask because a.) the directions say to put the airlock on, and b.) I have little people that might get into my bucket!
Depends on your temp. Check the gravity after 3-4 days from adding the yeast.
Even though you have a airlock on the primary I wouldnt go leaving it in there for that long, thats a little extreme if you ask me although I do do that with beer. There is plenty of C02 trapped in there to protect it so I guess its ok but wine just seems a little more pricey then beer.
I don't use an airlock for the first week. I do put the lid on and throw a clean cloth over the hole. It is easier to open and close the lid to stir, add things or just check the SG or temps. Depending on kit, after that I either put the airlock on and leave it for a while or rack it to glass. I prefer racking to glass before absolutely dry. The outgassing helps build the protective gas blanket over the wine.
Pasteur Champagne and EC-1118 are the same strain, just a different packager/manufacturer, so don't worry at all about the yeast. It will turn out the same.

Personally, I'd fish out the grommet with a sanitized nylon spoon commonly found in wine making shops.
Dean said:
Pasteur Champagne and EC-1118 are the same strain, just a different packager/manufacturer, so don't worry at all about the yeast. It will turn out the same.

Personally, I'd fish out the grommet with a sanitized nylon spoon commonly found in wine making shops.

Great to know about the yeast..Thanks, Dean.
As far as the grommet....I just knew someone was going to say that!

When I go in to get it is it going to disturb the yeast??
U should be OK. it's still early on in fermenting
I thought Premier Cuvee and EC 1118 were the same but any of those will be fine for this. Premier Cuvee and EC1118 have the same abv tolernce while Champagne is 13-15%.
Oops, sorry, Wade's right. I get those 2 mixed up all the time! It will still be fine. Don't worry about the yeast. 10 hours after you sprinkle, it's already hydrated and knows what to do! You can't hurt it by stirring. Just don't stir after you sprinkle for a few hours.

edit: after looking at strain information again, Pasteur Champagne is also strain Saccaromyces Bayanus, which is always a very strong fermenter with high alcohol tolerance. The Red Star champagne yeast has a bit of a higher flocculation rate than Cuvee or EC-1118 making it better for in-bottle fermentation and easier to get all the yeast when degorging. Okay, enough yeast talk, your wine will be perfectly fine!