Joes Ancient Orange Mead

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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I started a batch of Ancient Orange yesterday and pitched the yeast about 4 hours ago. I used 12 Clementine Tangerines with 3 of them having the skin on them. I added 90 golden raisins, 4 cloves, 4 cinnamon sticks, and not so ancient Red Star Montrachet yeast. I want this to be sweet so I went for a starting SG of 1.120 hoping it will die off around 1.025 give or take. I will use this as a base to find out where it finishes and adjust as necessary next time. I used 12lbs of honey and its a 3 3/4 gallon batch. Ill take pics tomorrow.
I started three one gallon batches myself on the 18Th, followed directions to a "T" except one is orange (in bucket) one is lime, one is lemon. Must be mead season.


I have made a few meads, this is the first "Ancient" was intrigued by smurfe's post on there flavors, and fact aging didn't seem to change or improve as with most modern made meads.Edited by: JWMINNESOTA
HMMmmmm........... A lime mead?....... That sounds good!

I might have to try that one. Did you use bread yeast or wine yeast in your JW. I'm thinking like Wade........ (Shhhhh.... don't tell anyone I just said that), I may try the wine yeast next time.
I have mine going in a primary so that i was able to make enough to top up later with.
I had made this one a while back and I felt that it did improve with age. It's been a big hit and I think it's time to start another batch. I like the fact that you can cram everything into the carboy, cover it and forget it. Or is that Fix it and Forget it?
I gave my Dad the JM Mead recipe and was talking to him last night about it. He asked if I peeled the oranges thinking that the pith my give it a bitter taste. Mine wasn't bitter at all, but just wondering if anyone peels the oranges thinking along the same lines and has it made a difference. Thinking of adding some pineapple to my next batch too.

My Ancient Orange is almost 2 months old and the fruit has not yet settled. Also, quite a bit of white, grainy material has formed over the fruit in the neck of the gallon jug. I am hoping the white material is beeswax! I can't wait to try this one. If it turns out as good as most have indicated, I will do more and do a little experimentation. Good luck on yours, guys.
Smokegrub, lots of people pull the fruit as they can't stand the gunky looking stuff in there. I pulled mine before it sank and topped it up with marbles. I also racked mine a few times for clearing purposes. I try to follow instructions, but there's something in me that says the rules are written for everyone else.

Ramona, I never peeled the oranges and it worked just fine. Remember, this is supposed to be an easy recipe!
I couldnt follow it to a "T" either. I will ferment on the fruit till almost dry like an RJS kit and then rack of fruit and lees into 3 gallon carboy. Shes bubbling now but I received a package from my Sister containing Christmas presents for the kids. The present for my daughter had no batteries and I didnt have any new 1's so I pulled the 2 out of my camera and the 2 out of my cordless mouse so she could play with it. Its 1 of those laptop piano's.
My batch started off at 1.120 and as i stated in the beginning I was hoping it would die off at 1.025 and it stopped at 1.028 so i was right in the ballpark. I havent tasted it as of yet since I just racked it off all the sediment and fruit. Im not to sure i like the smell of it, not that it smells like somethings wrong with it, just a little perfumey.
Mine is in the bottle now. Its taste at this young age is a "bitter" disappointment--pun intended! It is also very, very sweet. It has to improve with age since I find it hard to believe it could taste much worse with time!
Finally tried mine and wow is it good. Surely will be making another
batch of this. It is very smelling and tasting. I will hopefully
duplicate it. I broke all the rules with this as I used Red Star
Montrachet yeast and started with a very high SG and calculated around where it would over power the yeast and was almost right on the money and it is perfect for me. probably a little high for most people but I like dry red wines and sweet white wines.