Jalapeno Wine

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Jul 31, 2005
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I started a 2 gallon batch of Jalapeno Wine from Jack Kellers site on Friday..
Here is a recipe

Jalapeno Wine

* 16 large jalapenos (for less heat, use 8 jalapenos)
* 1 lb golden raisins chopped or minced
* 2 lbs finely granulated sugar
* 1 1/2 tsp acid blend
* 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
* Water to one gallon
* 1 crushed Campden tablet
* 3/4 tsp yeast nutrient
* Pasteur Champagne Yeast

Wearing rubber gloves, wash jalapeno peppers and cut off stems. Slice length-ways and remove seeds for mild heat, leave them in for very hot wine. Place peppers in blender or food chopper with 2 cups water and chop coarsely. Separately, chop or mince raisins. Put raisins in nylon straining bag and, over primary, pour chopped jalapenos in with raisins. Tie bag and leave in primary. Add remaining ingredients except for pectic enzyme and yeast. Stir well to dissolve sugar. Cover primary and set aside 12 hours. Add pectic enzyme, recover and set aside another 12 hours. Add yeast and recover.

Now I have followed this to a T and for some reason the yeast has not kicked in.. Does anyone have any Ideas.. the SG is 1.110
Jerry - Did you prepare a yeast starter? I think Jack stipulated that, but
can't remember clearly. Might want to try getting a starter batch going if
not and repitch.
If you started on Friday, it means you waited 24 hours (pitched yeast) on Saturday?

Not totally unthinkable that it needs a little more time to show....
your are correct Martina I pitched the yeast saturday... Ok I will give some more time

Try giving your must a good stir to give the yeast more oxygen to work with.

Some golden raisins are treated with Sorbate to prevent discoloration and enough sorbate would prevent fermentation.
Foaming is good and it sounds like you are fine....I checked the recipe and don't forget to stir it daily for 7 days.

"Stir daily for 7 days. Wearing rubber gloves, squeeze nylon bag. Transfer liquor to secondary and fit airlock. Ferment to absolute dryness (45-60 days). Rack into clean secondary and refit airlock. Rack twice more, 30 days apart. Wait final 30 days and rack into bottles. Can use or drink immediately, but will age if you add 1/8 tsp of tannin to ingredients"
yes sir got ya there...All though I dont think I am brave enough to drink this wine :) I have some ppl in the family that like hot stuff so I left the seeds in and you can just feel the heat coming off of it
That sounds dangerous.

I think I must have been an old-english cook in another life (no offense, UKers!): I like cooking very plain and no spices. But that's how I cook and not what I like.

But I'm not a spicy-fan. Actually, this sounds like torture to me.

But how wonderful that you're making it!!! Keep us posted!!! I've never experienced Jalapeno wine in the making!

Good luck!
Along with the recipe Jerry is doing from Jack's site there is another for
Apple Jalapeño. I have it now coming to end of fermentation and
beginning to clear, and it smells very enticing. That particular mix of
things seems to have a little magic to it.

bilbo-in-maine said:
Along with the recipe Jerry is doing from Jack's site there is another for
Apple Jalapeño. I have it now coming to end of fermentation and
beginning to clear, and it smells very enticing. That particular mix of
things seems to have a little magic to it.

WOW!!! Apple/Jalapeño would be good. Seems any wine with apple in it turns out excellent. If you like hot stuff check out the recipe I posted in the recipes[other than wine recipes] for Jalapeño Jelly/Jam...it is so good.

As Jack Keller related at the start of that recipe, he and his wife were bottling
it and treated themselves to small tastes. In Jack's words:

I made my first batch of jalapeno wine for cooking purposes, but
when my wife and I tasted it during bottling, she said, "To heck with that.
Let's drink it!" I enthusiastically agreed, but set a bottle aside to enter in the
next competition. On April 18th, it won it's category and narrowly missed
being selected Best of Show in the non-grape division.

I can attest to the rosy glow that quickly develops after the first few sips of
this wine. I made his Apple Jalapeño recipe, which is quite nice.
Just curious if it holds the heat from theJalapenos or does the fermentation effect that
? I saw this recipe on Jack's site in the summer when I had a friend give me two 12 inch ziplocks full of homegrown Jalapenos. Wish now I had taken the plung. Let us know how it comes out and if you use it in a dish how that works out as well.
I made a batch of Habanero last year that did not retain all of the heat it initially had after fermenting. That may be due to the spices I added to it or it may be "Just the way it is"
well I amn still waiting on it to clear before bottling it. But I did have a taste of it yesterday abd it had lost the heat
Could you distinguish the Jalapeno flavor at all from the sample? Is this something that you would drink or use for cooking?