Jalapeno Pepper Wine

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i have a gallon of each (apple base and white grape base), that i will be pitching the yeast on tonight.
Same amount of jalapenos in each one.

From "sampling" the un-fermented must, i prefer the apple, but i have yet to add the raisins to the white grape (waiting until fermentation starts.)

Should i soak the raisins? chop them? blender?
i have a gallon of each (apple base and white grape base), that i will be pitching the yeast on tonight.
Same amount of jalapenos in each one.

From "sampling" the un-fermented must, i prefer the apple, but i have yet to add the raisins to the white grape (waiting until fermentation starts.)

Should i soak the raisins? chop them? blender?

I added raisins to my apple base one. I did chopped my raisins with a knife. Some recipes say to use a blender and I tried that last week with my small electric chopper and its hard on the appliance. I am not sure if there is another way to do it. I did not presoak the raisins in the jalapeno wine but the wine I made this week said to presoak. So to answer your question; I would chop the raisins and presoak them for about 1/2 hour.
...but i have yet to add the raisins to the white grape (waiting until fermentation starts.)

i meant "i have yet to add the raisins to the APPLE".
Luckily i have the buckets labeled with the recipes right there. LOL.

Would adding raisins to the white grape concentrate be worth it?
Seems most recipes say add raisins OR concentrate for body.

I also am presuming you used golden raisins.
Would the regular add that much color?
I have both, so...
Transferred to secondary last night, both right at or below 1.000.
Tasted the SG samples. :dg:slp:tz:se.........:sm



This will be one that might actually get to age. LOL.
Will know more when they ferment dry and i stabilize and sweeten.

i saw 1.016 on a previous post.
Should i shoot for this on both the apple and the white grape?
Was going to use another can of concentrate in the white grape and see where that took me on it.
Guess i could use another can of apple concentrate for the apple, as well.

Wonder if my Hispanic neighbors would like this?
Dan,thanks for the recipe ,I just note it down and will try it very soon.I read all the post and I come to know new things ,its a great thread and there is a great discussion about the pepper wine.This post is very informative and I like this post very much.
Whimps... I gotta 1/2 gallon going with about 12 habeneros. Its good, but i suggest frozen toilet paper if this baby doesn't mellow out!
Racked both jalapeno wines tonight.
Even though they had been in secondary only just over a week, they had dropped a lot of sediment. That, coupled with the need to add sorbate and campden (since i had moved to secondary while still technically fermenting), had me rack most of the gunk off tonight. Wasn't too worried about the fluffy stuff, just the stuff starting to compact at the bottom.
Think i will let them sit a week or so before adding a can of concentrate to each (apple to apple, white grape to the white grape, duh. lol)
After adding the concentrates, i will check the SG and add sugar to bring them up to, i figure, approx. 1.015.
Racked both jalapeno wines tonight.
Even though they had been in secondary only just over a week, they had dropped a lot of sediment. That, coupled with the need to add sorbate and campden (since i had moved to secondary while still technically fermenting), had me rack most of the gunk off tonight. Wasn't too worried about the fluffy stuff, just the stuff starting to compact at the bottom.
Think i will let them sit a week or so before adding a can of concentrate to each (apple to apple, white grape to the white grape, duh. lol)
After adding the concentrates, i will check the SG and add sugar to bring them up to, i figure, approx. 1.015.

Did you do any tasting? I am curious if you thought one tasted better than the other since you used grape for one and apple for the other.
I have my Jalepano Pepper wine racked and cleared in a full 1 gallon jug. I'll rack it again end of the month to get any remaining sediment out. Although I haven't tasted in a bit, I'm sure this will still need to be diluted with a batch of grape juice wine.
i am partial to the apple at this point (i expected that), once i add the concentrate and back-sweeten i will know better, but i suspect it will still be the apple.

Neither are as hot as they were prior to fermentation.
i used Super Kleer on both of these today.
The Grape cleared fast, the apple not so much.
Should i try pectic enzyme on the apple?
How long should i wait before i do this?
Should i rack from the Super Kleer first?
OMG! They are so clear.
SK has a new convert.
Now to let the "fallout" compact for a coupla weeks.
:uTo conclude my contribution to this on going thread I am reposting my label. I bottled 60 split bottles and they came out clear as could be. I did add an apple juice f-pack several days ago and it did not effect my clairity. I simmered down one gallon to a half gallon. The wine is very tasty with lots of heat. Next time I would consider cutting the peppers down to 6-8 per gallon to make it more of a sipping wine than cooking.

Well I stabilized and backsweetened my Welches grape/pear with a can of Welches grape tonight and added it to my 21 pepper per gallon Jalepano wine. It is quite dealable now. Gave a sip to the boss and I was told to do nothing to it that it was perfect. There is a good sweet taste of the grape, then a good bit of burn about half way back on your tongue. I'll let it age until about Christmas then bottle in 375 bottles.

Can't wait to see how it ages.
I filtered the Jalapeno Pepper wine and bottled it this evening. It looks great if I do say so myself. Can't wait to try a little later on. I ended up with 19 375 ml bottles from my 2 gallon batch.