I've had the best time!!!

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Look who I found hiding in the bushes! It's a bit blurry but this <strike>Downy baby</strike> White-crowned Sparrow is a bit elusive.

Not sure what this "critter" is..Looks mighty comfy though



Irisis are blooming like crazy &amp; really beautiful this year. In lieu of many pictures I just made a collage to share with you

We've got woodpeckers here too. I can never get a camera on them though. Never even thought one would go to a bird feeder. Imagine that. Good Pictures
We've had a woodpecker at our feeder too! Doesn't stay long enough to get a picture tho!
Ok... I was wrong! That last one is not a Downy baby. It's a White-crowned Sparrow. This one and at least 3 others were here this evening.


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