Other Island Mist Kits - More Alcohol?

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Junior Member
Aug 18, 2012
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I'm on my second IM kit, a Exotic Fruit White Zin. Not my favorite but the wife and her friends like them. Light, refreshing. The alcohol content in these only runs around 6-7%. Is there a way to bump them up a little, say around 9-10? It just started fermenting yesterday so it's in the early stages.
Adding sugar during the primary fermentation will boost the alcohol. Aprox 1lb to 5 gallons will raise alcohol about 1%. About 4 to 5 lbs of sugar will get you where you want to be. Now is the time to add the sugar.
I agree this is the time to do it - I have made a few of these kits and almost always some sugar, although I don't try to go over 10% alcohol. If you don't get the sugar added before/during fermentation, you *could* try to restart the fermentation with sugar and yeast after it finishes, but that is risky and difficult - you could end up with extra sweet, low alcohol swill. Your only other option (and it's a poor substitute too, IMHO) would be to add everclear after it has finished fermenting or right before bottling. The Everclear will simply add 'heat' from the alcohol at first and will need several months to blend and smooth out, and I'm sure you don't want to wait that long.
Ok added 4lb bag of sugar last night, approx 48 hours after putting all into prim ferm to begin process. But wasn't thinking about the "reaction"! But checked this morning and air lock is still "bobbing" so all is good. Thinking I should leave it at this stage few extra days so fermenting can fully complete. ?
Yes, let it finish fermenting - if you are 3 days in now, you'll probably need another 2-3 days to ferment the 4 lbs of sugar, at least. No need to rush it at this point - that's for later when you want it to clear and be ready to bottle.

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