Is this stuck fermentation?

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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
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I have a gallon of blueberry going right now. I racked from primary to secondary 2 weeks ago @ 1.028. Today I racked and tested and it was 1.011 @ 76F. I was expecting .099 or so and was going to stabilise. I haven't addd any extra campden or Pot/So yet. Should I let it ride for a few more weeks? I read other posts that describe blueberry as slow. It seemed to move through primary just fine. I've been careful about cleanliness. It never foamed up like I have read happened to other people. It started @ 1.09 with red star yeast.Are there any suggestions out there?

Do you see any activity in the wine...bubbles rising ???

Do you any way to check the PH of the wine???

Your numbers all some good except that 1.011...would make for a very sweet wine if left there. At this point I would not stabilise..
A good stir and a small dose (1/2 tsp) of yeast nutrient might also help push it to completion.
Another thing you can try is to go down to the store and find the ripest banana that they have, bring it home and smash it up real well and add that to the must. It won't make it taste any different but there is something about 'naners that the yeasty beasties really like.
I put some energizer in at my suppliers suggestion. I'll give it three days. I am also putting a banana in the freezer in case the energizer does not work. Masta suggested nutrient. Would that and/or energizer be the better choice. My supplier "Dave's homebrew" did say "energizer, not nutrient" . I'm not trying to stir up debate, but am trying to understand. At this point in my winemaking experience, if a recipe calls for something, I put it in.I am slowly learning.

Thanks for the advice.
1 week later. After adding energizer 1 week ago, I had no noticable movement. 24 hours ago I added a mashed banana that hads been frozen. Still no perceptible fermentation. I can hear a little fizzing when I litsen closely. I tested the PH at 4.0 I have no thermometer, but the house has been in the 70s for a while. I'll give the banana a week and then I'll have to try something else.

Any more thoughts out there? The last sample tasted pretty good for being this young. If I were to stabilize now at 1.01 do I run much of a risk of spoilage, or having it blast a few corks later on down the road?

I just don't know...I must be missing something....all I can say is let it sit and see if the SG will come down...sorry I can't be of more help...
You definitely want to wait until you know for sure the fermentation has completed before stabilizing since adding sulfite and sorbate will prevent fermentation but it will not stop it and bottling too soon could cause problems. If you can hear fizzing then something is going on and I would let it go a few weeks and then check it again. With a SG of 1.010 you are not going to see much happening if indeed it is still fermenting.

Looking back on your original post I see you racked from primary to secondary at 1.028 which is quite high and could be the cause of the fermentation slowing to a crawl. A target SG of 1.010 is a better before transferring from primary to secondary to help prevent this type of issue.
The one thing that worries me is your pH being at 4.0. To me, this seems a bit high and can lead to spoilage quicker than for a pH in the 3.2 - 3.5 range.
With the information you have given my recommendation at this point would be to lift up your patience by the bootstraps and wait it out. If you can hear fizzing then something is going on in there, perhaps not as quickly as you would like but it is happening. The hardest part of winemaking.
I also agree with Funky fish on the high pH and this could also contribute tothe slow fermentation as some yeasts arenot tolerant to a wide pH range.
Thanks for the info. I'll just let it ride. As far as the PH test went. That was my first time doing that. I have what I assume is the normal dipping strips. The scale is pretty broad. It starts at 2.0 and the next reading is 4.0. My 4.0 was just a guestimate i took after dropping the strip in the little sample I took. I'm curious, does testing an already red liquid do anything to the test? There were absolutly no instructions on the little package I bought. Anyhow, my patience is doing just fine.I already have two other fruits in the closet that should be ready to bottle in another month or so. Tonight I started an Island Mist WB Shiraz to get me into the summer. I'm also going to try a beer kit for family coming in late May.
Now redder, you cain't use them swimmin' pool strips for wine making..
1 week later. My problem child blueberry has rocketed
down to 1.004 in a whole week from 1.009. I can see some fizing around the banana that is floating on top now. I'm thinking I should rack and nutrient and let it ride one more week. any thoughts?

Today is racking day for all of my little projects.


The Triberry and dried Cranberry have been stabilzed for two months and are ready for thier second racking. the cranberry is pretty cloudy and will probably need filtering whenI bottle in July. On the right are my blueberry problem children. My other problem children are upstairs laying waste to thier bedroom, from the comotion I'm hearing. In the background is an island Mist Shiraz that is ready to rack to secondary.
I would just let the blueberry sit a few more weeks and let it continue to ferment slowly as it is doing now.

SG at 1.004 is barely off dry at this point so I think it will be fine in the end.