Is this a cleaner or a sanitizer

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Jan 17, 2009
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My local wine supply store sold me a kit. THis kit contains easy clean cleanser. I think this is a cleaner not a sanitizer. My wine supply store told me the easy clean is a sanitizer. They told me to was my carboy like I would any dishes, in hot soapy water, rinse well then wash with the easy clean and let dry. THey told me it was both a cleaner and sanitizer? Is this true? I'm planning on starting a batch in the morning, should I do it this way or try to find some Potassium Metabisulfit
Is your local home wine supply store The Winemaker's Toystore? You listed yesterday that you got your kit at your local store and then listed links to Fine Vine Wine. If that is the case, you can believe what George tells you. Easy Clean is an oxygenating cleaner that cleans effectively enough to be used to "sanitize" also. While not a true sanitizer, it works effectively as one. One Step is another one of that type. If you feel uncertain about this, buy some potassium metabisulfite and use that also after the Easy Clean.
appleman is right on, I would get some metabisulfite for quick rinses on things.
No I did not buy my kit from the wine maker's toy store. I only used the link to provide examples. I'm sorry if I was missleading I did not mean to imply that I was getting my kit from the Wine Maker's Toy Store. I now feel like I should have (you live and learn).
Easy Clean and Starsan are used as sanitizers and cleaners when making beer. For wine the best thing to use as the final step is potassium or sodium metabisulfite at 3 TB per gallon of water.
Is there any harm is using Star San as opposed to the K meta...I just have a bunch of it stored, as I brew lots of beer...
Wild duk said:
Is there any harm is using Star San as opposed to the K meta...I just have a bunch of it stored, as I brew lots of beer...

Star San and Easy Clean will work just fine with wine as well as beer. Beer actually needs a much more stringent sanitation process than wine does. In reality, it doesn't really matter what is put in the container, vessel, bottle or whatever. Sanitized is sanitized. You sanitize the container and then add the product.

Easy Clean is not labeled as a sanitizer as the manufacturer has not registered as a sanitizer so it is called a cleaner. With a dedicated cleaning regime and regular replacement of plastic items you should have no issues with the use of Easy Clean. I have used it many time for glass carboys. I will not routinely use it for a plastic fermenter bucket. I have in a pinch but I will normally clean with either PBW,Easy Clean or Oxy Clean and sanitize with Star San or Sulfites. I have never had an infection in any beer or wine. I now use Star San for most everything.
Wild duk. You can use the Star San as the sanitizer. I have 2 long plastic containers I got from Wal Mart. I set them side by side on the counter. Oxy Clean goes in one to clean, K meta goes in the other to sanitize. Makes it very easy to slide everything in there to get clean and sterile. I use a funnel to pour either the cleaner or sanitizer in the carboy.