Is my dessert wine going to be to sweet?

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Jan 25, 2012
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Blackberry Raspberry wine
I used wine concentrate that I purchased from a wine making supply store.
one makes 3 gallon's of blackberry and the other 3 gallon's of raspberry.
I followed a recipe in a wine making book that I purchased from the store.
I put the concentrate in the primary with 42 pints of water, 13 pounds of sugar. I tested with a titration kit before fermenting. My sg reading was at 1.080. After fermentation my reading was at the .999. I tested the acid with the strips this time and it was perfect. I stabalized and added sugar to sweeten. my sg reading is now at 1.035.
So, I'm worried that it will be to sweet after it ages for a bit. Also, I taste the alcohol first then the sweetness and the berries. is this normal? will the alcohol blend better after aging? it is not bitter, strong or anything. I could sit and drink it just the way it is!!

Thank you for your help!
did you add meta AND sorbate? did you just add sugar if so how much? what you should have done is take a qt of the wine heat it up add sugar and whisk ovber heat, slowly add and mix and start tasting till you have the sweetenss you want.
Seems to me you just added sugar and its not fully dissolved.

try this caculator;
SG readings are a general guide of dry to sweet wines.

Better off doing like Tom said and testing out the sweetness of what you like.

Let your palate guide to how sweet you want it.
Blackberry Raspberry wine
I used wine concentrate that I purchased from a wine making supply store.
one makes 3 gallon's of blackberry and the other 3 gallon's of raspberry.
I followed a recipe in a wine making book that I purchased from the store.
I put the concentrate in the primary with 42 pints of water, 13 pounds of sugar. I tested with a titration kit before fermenting. My sg reading was at 1.080. After fermentation my reading was at the .999. I tested the acid with the strips this time and it was perfect. I stabalized and added sugar to sweeten. my sg reading is now at 1.035.
So, I'm worried that it will be to sweet after it ages for a bit. Also, I taste the alcohol first then the sweetness and the berries. is this normal? will the alcohol blend better after aging? it is not bitter, strong or anything. I could sit and drink it just the way it is!!

Thank you for your help!

Thanks for the quick reply's!!
I used 4 cups of sugar to 2 cups of water, two times. I added sugar to taste, but went a little over on the last bit that I added. This is my second batch of wine and I'm not usually a wine drinker. I tasted some of a friends homemade wine and fell in love with it. so I'm not sure what it is supposed to taste like. That is why I wanted to know if the alcohol will blend in after it ages. The taste is awsome, but should I taste alcohol first and then the rest when it is still young?
Thanks for the quick respones. Please forgive me but I'm leaning how to use this site!!

I used 4 cups of sugar heated with 2 cups of water. I did this twice. I added sweetner to my taste. but, I do not usually drink wine. I tasted some of a friends homemade dessert wine and I feel in love with it! so, I'm attempting to make some of my own. with young wine I'm not sure how it is suppose to taste. How it blends together at first. this batch I taste alcohol first and then sweetness and fruit. That is why I was wondering if it will blend after it ages or If I need to add more fruit for flavor or something else next time. It doesn't taste strong, bitter, sour or have an after taste that is bad.
Best to have simple syrup on hand all the time.
Heat 16oz of water add 1 qt of sugar whisk over heat till clear. one qt of this would be to much in most cases to backsweeten wine. I would shoot for 1.005 1st and then add more to YOUR taste then record the gravity till next time you make it.

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