I'm thinking about starting a batch of

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Nov 12, 2007
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Pug hair wine since there seems to be an over abundance of it around here. I was wondering what yeast to use. It is a black Pug if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance.
If you need more hair, I have plenty of Bear laying around the house I could contribute!
Would Heeler hair help withadding somebody????

If you really want to make a big batch and add some orgainic material,our mare needs her mane cut as it is full of Burdock.
Your going to need a big fermenting bucket when I ship over the fur from my dog. I have to scrape him down daily so we can actually live in this house. He is 1/2 Rott, 1/2 Husky with all the thick fur and blue eyes of the Husky and sheds like there is no tomorrow.
omg...you've got the same kind of furniture I have...suede leather and same color..so, I don't have to tell you about black dog hairs do I
I don't know scotty....I'd want to see your pedigree first.

I'm not making the Mutt wine till next month.
Hoss, if you look to the left of the couch on the carpet you will see some black chunks, those are chunks of fur as he does not just leave hairs, he leaves chunks of fur that are easily seen all over everything. We had to buy a Kirby vacuum as its the best out there for picking up stuff and also shampooing the carpet, and just about anything else you can think of if you want to take it apart and attach other pcs to it. Iv been told that you can spray stain and paint with it.
Hoss said:
I don't know scotty....I'd want to see your pedigree first.

I'm not making the Mutt wine till next month.

American born second generation pure Italial. Both parents born here and all 4 grandparents from Italy.

But i never got my shots or that other operation.
The Kirby vacumns are very good ones but you can get suckered into spending entirely too much on them. One of my sisters paid almost $ 1400 for hers. The cheapest I saw them go for was a little under $400. Around here they sell them every few years and go door to door trying to sell them. I can tell you lots off stories about them you probably wouldn't want to hear especially if you bought one.
we bought 6 years ago brand new for $645 cause we were going through a vacuum every 6 months and with kids and pets we were also renting steam cleaners or looking at a nasty looking rug. I really hated to pay that $ but must say now that Im not sorry as it has never had a problem and does a better job on our rug then the commercial steam cleaner did with soaking the rug and getting mold underneath it from being moist. The shampoo used is a foam that just lifts the dirt right up with very little wetness to the rug. You can walk on the rug after about 30 minutes. Appleman, PM me or post what you have heard please. Oh and y the way, if I could pry that vacuum out of my wifes hands I would try using it ti vacuum my wine but I think I would get hurt if she caught me with it!

Edited by: wade
I have immitation hardwood (Pergo) throughout my house and nothing works better on it than my Rainbow. Great product, too expensive, but I bought the last one on ebay for $200, actually got two and gave one to my daughter.
I'll put money on my Dyson against your Kirby!

Been here done this before......... and won.........

Are 2 guys really on a message board talking about who's vacuums are better?
Thought I'd never see the day.................... We need a life Wade.......... Or we need to make more wine.....
Men and vacuum cleaners, what about motorcycles fellas? Shhhh, my husband has the hots for a Dyson. He-He.

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