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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry for the absence all. My father had a small stroke + my computer crashed due to antivirus uninstallation that corrupted some registry files and with everything going on I just didnt have time to play with it and get back on here.
Bit of a whirlwind eh? Glad you're back & hope all is well with your father
He's miserable as he cant stand hospitals!!!! The only way he;ll ever go to one is when its too late or almost too late!! :re
Well we're all hoping for the best for your dad Wade. Hey if it makes you feel better Debbie has a tiny offer to make you! All you need to supply (or apply) is the wax. No, were not dipping bottles!
He's miserable as he cant stand hospitals!!!! The only way he;ll ever go to one is when its too late or almost too late!! :re

I so know the feeling spent alot of time in them when I was younger so hate them with a passion, seems all they are is a waste. Hope he's doing ok I know strokes can be scary even mini strokes seems I've probly had a few myself according to my doctor.......even they don't know anything for sure
I hope he bounces back quickly Wade. I know for those who aren't used to hospitals and being in them, it can be pretty overwhelming. Hope he gets home again soon!
Hope everything goes well with your dad Wade. Medical technology is amazing these days, I have a 65 year old friend who had a stroke and he bounced back very quickly and is completely back to being the same as he always was.
Glad you're back. Felt a little anxious while your were gone.
Welcome back Wade and I hope all will be well with your Father.
Gee Wade, you sure aren't having a good summer. Best wishes and fast recovery for your Dad.
Nice to have you back Wade but remember family comes first. Spend as much time as you can with dad as life can throw a curve ball quickly. I lost my dad a number of years back due to a stroke and wish I had taken more time with him. Best Regards.


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