Illinois Grape Growes Winter Festival

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Jun 16, 2012
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Anyone going to the Grape Growers and Vintners Association Winter Wine Festival this year? I went last year and had a good time. :dg
I realize that it can be a pain if you don't live close by, since the wine tasting is on Friday night and the Illinois Wine Lovers Tract is on Saturday. I guess that, depending on the package rate, you could book a room. :mny
Thanks Bob, for posting this. I can't do it this year, but it sounds like a fun future long-weekend winter trip to learn about wines from my home state.
Yeah, I went last year and had a good time. With all of this cold and snow that we have been having, it might cut into their attendance this year. I'm only about 12 miles away, but I hate leaving the house in this weather.
But it would be fun to sip on the fruits of warm, sunny, green days while in whiteout conditions and near-zero temps. While INDOORS, of course. :D
But it would be fun to sip on the fruits of warm, sunny, green days while in whiteout conditions and near-zero temps. While INDOORS, of course. :D

Ha, yeah, I guess you have a point.:dg