WineXpert I think I missed a step...

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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
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Hi - anyone reading the forums on Super Bowl Sunday?!

I'm making the Winexpert Selection Italian Sangiovese and I think I missed a step. During step 3, I added the packages labeled #2 (metabisulphite) and #3 (sorbate) as directed. The instructions then when on to; IF YOUR KIT CAME WITH A SMALLER BAG (F-PACK)... which mine did not, and I stopped there.

The instructions then read; After 8 days, your are ready to proceed to Racking and Clarification.

Today's day 9 and I thought I was ready for step 4, racking and clarification, however I still have a package labeled #4 (Chitine) Fining Agent and there are no directions to add it...

Looking back to step 3, I now see intermingled with the 'if you kit came with...' instructions for adding the package labeled #4 :<

Now what do I do?
Is it still o.k. to add it?
Do I wait another 8-days before racking?

Thank you for your help!
Sure add the clearing agent now, stir it in well, and then you'll have to wait at least a week for the wine to clear.

Yeah, they should indent that section so it is more prominent. I can see a lot more people doing just what you did.
...realize now too that I didn't top up either (was waiting to do so in Step #4), and I had such high hopes for this one, I hope I haven't totally ruined it!!
Depends on how much head space, but you'll be fine. My first kit, I didn't top up at all for the entire 6 weeks. The instructions said not to, so I didn't. 19 months later, it's still fine.
You just added sulfite, youll be fine for some time so dont worry and adding the fining agent later is nothing either as some people like me usually dont even use them as I have all the time I need for it to clear itself. Sometimes youll get a stubborn one and need to use a fining agent though.
Thanks for the reassurances - I'll chalk it up to another learning experience!