I think I have a problem

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Ok so for Christmas my husband bought be the Vinmetrica sc100 and the deluxe lab accessory kit.

So I am opening packages and setting things up being cautious to read instructions carefully. Well in the package with the SpeedStir was this little white pill thing, naturally I dropped it on the floor but I was able to retrieve it, so I set it on the island and continue to put the lab kit together and I realized I lost that dam little white pill again!!!!!! and I can't find it anywhere. I think Jesse ate it (she is my boxer and some of you know the stories I have told on her adventures thru life)

So is there anything else I could use? I'll call Vinmetrica to see if I can buy a replacement, they don't have it listed on their site and this being New Year's Day, I don't think they would be open. And I don't want to wait for one to get here.
Yes as Mike suggests, it is the magnetjc stir rod. You could try to find it with another magnet. If the dog ate it, you could wait for it to arrive from Jesse......................... I think I would wait for another one to arrive in the mail (or beg Dan for a spare).
Rich, I did think of calling Dan but you know I would never live it down. I am sure he is going to have a field day with this post! :slp

And no I'm noting waiting for Jesse, it is bad enough that I have had to pull things out of her that she has eaten and won't come completely out.
Also might want to check your LHBS. They usually have Magnetic Stirrers (for making yeast starters), and should have extra stir bars.
I remember once my mothers dog ate a whole lace curtain- no idea how. I remember my Dad having to help "remove " it from her. Talk about a crappy job................
ha ha I just saw this post. No worries with the dog, just don't give her any extra iron in her diet. After all don't they put magnets in cow's stomachs? I like to shop at Cynmar.com. If you purchase from them, look at their entire site and buy everything you might need like glassware. The initial shipping is expensive but it doesn't cost much to add more on. Of course magnets they can just send them to you in an envelope. So how many are you going to buy this time???
