I need a little advice

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Feb 19, 2012
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I just purchased a cheap, 1 gallon winemaking kit from a co-op near my house. I'm completely new to winemaking, so I decided my first batch to be a grape wine made from welch's grape concentrate juice. I followed the recipe down to every detail (recipe book was purchased from the store). Tonight I added all the ingredients except for the yeast. Does a SG of 1.085 sound about right???
Sure does, if you post the recipe you're following & the steps you took.. And you should happen across a problem, it'll be easier/possible for the folks here to help you (quicker than you'd ever believe, sometimes)
32 oz frozen grape concentrate ( I used Welch's)
6 Pints water
1 cup sugar
1 tsp Acid blend
1/2 tsp Pectic Enzyme
1 tsp nutrient
1 crushed campden tablet
1 pkg yeast ( which I have not added yet)
Here is a recipe that I found and has worked well for me :dg:

Recipe Type: Extract
Yeast: Wine yeast
Batch Size (Gallons): 1
Original Gravity: 1.095
Final Gravity: .996
Boiling Time (Minutes): 0.0
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 5-7 when fermentation slows
Additional Fermentation: Rack until clear
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 30

Welch's Frozen Grape Juice Wine
2 cans (11.5 oz) Welch's 100% frozen grape concentrate
1-1/4 lbs granulated sugar
2 tsp acid blend
1 tsp pectic enzyme
1 tsp yeast nutrient
water to make 1 gallon
wine yeast

Edit- note! You may want to skip the acid blend, at least at first, as some results say this wine is too "tart".

Bring 1 quart water to boil and dissolve the sugar in the water. Remove from heat and add frozen concentrate. Add additional water to make one gallon and pour into secondary. Add remaining ingredients except yeast. Cover with napkin fastened with rubber band and set aside 12 hours. Add activated wine yeast and recover with napkin. When active fermentation slows down (about 5 days), fit airlock. When clear, rack, top up and refit airlock. After additional 30 days, stabilize, sweeten if desired and rack into bottles.
you shouldn't use anything less than 3 cans of frozen concentrate for a gallon batch of wine. Anything less than that would make a very weak flavor wine and creating an f-pac for a wine that started out like that would dilute the wine a good bit.

And, I always like to say this, add sugar by what your hydrometer tells you, not by how much anyone says to use.
I made a batch of 5 gallons about year ago when gettn started in this wine making hobby and it came out nice. I did add some oak for a bit of taste.
What is the best yeast to use with Welch's grape juice concentrate? I have some Lalvin K1-V1116. Would that work?
Thats a good one. but I think its better if you have a way to keep it cool.
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Hey guys, so i added the yeast on 2/29 at 9:00 PM. The recipe that I'm following said to stir and check SG daily, and when SG reaches 1.030, which should take 5 to 6 days, to put wine into your secondary and place your airlock on. Well i stirred it yesterday morning, but forgot to check the SG. I got home this morning, stirred again and checked SG. My SG has already dropped down to 1.030, is this normal and should i rack it into my secondary already???
Hey guys, so i added the yeast on 2/29 at 9:00 PM. The recipe that I'm following said to stir and check SG daily, and when SG reaches 1.030, which should take 5 to 6 days, to put wine into your secondary and place your airlock on. Well i stirred it yesterday morning, but forgot to check the SG. I got home this morning, stirred again and checked SG. My SG has already dropped down to 1.030, is this normal and should i rack it into my secondary already???

Every batch of wine moves at its own pace, "should take 5 to 6 days", is only a reference, so you can have some general idea. Lots of it depends on the temperature, the yeast, and others. As a matter of fact, you can start two identical batches, side-by-side, and they can move at different paces.

Don't worry about missing a day of taking the SG. Wine making is very forgiving.

So, if you are at or below the recommended SG for racking, just go ahead and proceed with the next step in your instructions.

Everything will be fine. Good luck!
yep I am with robie. You make the wine. Dont let the wine make you. Have fun with it and dont try to make it to hard.
So I took your guys advice and went ahead and racked it into my secondary and attached my airlock at 1.030SG on March 2nd about noon. Today I just checked the SG and it has already dropped to 1.00, I'm surprised at how fast this wine has fermented!!! Are my calculations pretty correct if i say that my alcohol content is about 11.5%(Starting SG was 1.085)? I really appreciate your guy's help!