I highly recommend this show!

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Couldn't have been very long ago, it came out in 2013. A good show.
Perhaps on Good Friday, I'll open a bottle of something nice and check this out. Right now though, I'm knee deep in Breaking Bad (yes, I know I'm behind the times). I have one episode remaining in season 2 and am watching an episode almost every night.
Ooohhh myyyyyy! LOL

That show just gets better and better each season. It gets to the point that you can only watch one episode a night due to the intense drama especially when the "twins" show up..... :sh

Better Call Saul is also amazing as well. Vince Gilligan has been very good to ABQ and NM!

Perhaps on Good Friday, I'll open a bottle of something nice and check this out. Right now though, I'm knee deep in Breaking Bad (yes, I know I'm behind the times). I have one episode remaining in season 2 and am watching an episode almost every night.