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Mar 23, 2011
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Hi gang,
I'm making a Bellissima Strawberry White Merlot and have come across something STRANGE...

I just racked it for stabalization...I went to add the fruit pack and it doesn't all fit in the carboy - not even close!!!

I know I measured everything accurately right from the start...the volumes were all good...the SG was right where it was supposed to be...so I know that I didn't add any extra water at the start. I have probably 1 liter of extra strawberry juice left in the bag that won't fit into the carboy.

Do you think that they maybe over-filled the fruit pack bag? Any suggestions?
Well thats a good problem as opposed to being short. If you have another carboy or bucket carefull rack the f pak and wine to blend together throughout. The remaining wine place into another bottle, magnums and 750's if needbe.

Some carboys are larger than 5 gallons and some are 5 gallons. This could be the reason. I have carboys that if I remember I will start off with due to them being a bit bigger and rack into a slightly smaller one which means I can get rid of sediment yet still fill the carboy.

Remember gallons do not precisely fit litres. and they may have given you too much. Either way be grateful and do as I mentioned above in para. 1
I haven't done this particular kit but most of them say to remove X amount then add the F-Pack. Top off with the leftover you removed. You may have a couple cups/.5l left over.
This helps you get the full amount after racking off the lees.

Did the instructions mention that at all?
Yep it IS a better problem than being short! Thanks for the suggestion of blending into another carboy. I think that's what I'll do.

No, the instructions don't mention removing any amount before adding the F pack. This is the 3rd Bellissima kit I've made and I just checked back through all of the previous instructions and all of the volumes for everything are essentially the same...so it isn't a carboy-size issue. I'm using the 23L Better Bottle carboys.

I'll blend into another carboy and see what happens! With the extra, I guess I'll be able to have that first "something-to-drink-while-bottling" bottle and still get 30 bottles out of the kit! LOL