I figured out how many kits I've made

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Bkisel / SG,

I am not suggesting that grapes are better than kits. I just seems to me that if you are doing a large amount of kit wine, you can get great results for a lot less money with fresh grapes.

As far as equipment, you need an acid test kit (about $8), a crusher and a press (say about $800). This initial investment is offset over time by cheaper fruit costs.

Please do not take this in any negative way, but if you guys have done 50+ kits, then why not give whole, fresh grapes a try? All you really will need is a press and a crusher/destemmer.

You can make much bigger batches and it will save you money in the long run.

after 50+ kits, you guys sure know winemaking and could make the switch very easily.

Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering......

living in places other than the US has challenges of its own (availability, cost, shipping) . People around here are growing their own grapes but I have yet to be impressed with the varieties that can be grown in NS

i will stick with kits for now.

I have made 17 kits in 18 months, and liked them all. I have my first two Chilean 2014 harvest cab sauvignons going through MLF now. It is great to be able to have access to juice and grapes out of season via kits. I also am able to get a much wider range of varietals from kits. Plus, it is convenient to have kits sitting around until I am ready to make them, versus the fresh juice/grapes/must where I am under pressure to work within the schedule of the wine ingredients. I like them both for different reasons and will continue to do both. I don't see myself acquiring any large equipment though, because of space limitations.

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