Hurricane Katrina

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Anyone who is harm's way in the Southeast with Hurricane Katrina approaching PLEASE heed the warnings! This is an extremely dangerous storm and will cause massive damage!!!

Do not take this storm litely....please!

Update: Sustained winds of 165 mph

This storm is huge and has a central pressure of 904 mb which is the second lowest on record if it were to hit the coast at this pressure. This low pressure could cause a storm surge of up to 25 ft and New Orleans at below sea level is in big trouble!

Edited by: masta
I was hoping we would get some rain from it! Sometimes this time of year we cannot depend onany other weather patterns for rain and enjoy a tropical storm or depression or 2. Anyone living on or near the gulf coast should know by now to heed the warnings and head north.
We also hope to get some rain from this storm as we haven't had any for 2 months. You would think people would heed the warnings but many do not especially with a storm of this magnitude. This storm could produce hurricane force winds (>74 mph)up to 150 miles inland!

Case in point is theseven deaths in Florida from this storm and it was a minimal hurricane at 80mph winds. If anyone in the USA should know how dangerous a hurricane can be it is the residents of Florida!

Katrinacould top the all time costliest storm which was Andrew in 1992!

Yes I am a weather freak.....
Edited by: masta
I have been watching where she is going too...don't know ifwe here in Houston will feel any effects...probably so just rain maybe but the weather for us for all next week is forcasthot, hot and more hot and sunny. I lived inVirginia in 2003 and had the experience of being in Hurricane water for two weeks,no electricity for 3 weeks and a big mess all over the place...lots ofhuge trees down everywhere and really scary!!! And we were two hours inland.Do we have any members in the path....I hope not!!!

My wifes' aunt and uncle live 15 min. outside of The Big Easy, with the Mississippi levee right across the road! I think the are coming up here to wait out the storm.

My sis-in-law and niece are in Pensacola where it is already storming bad from the bands coming ashore. Pensacola's economy is struggling because of all the hurt done to tourist industry in the last 2-3 years. This one is looking worse all the time.
Has anyone heard from Ramrod......I think he works off shore in the Gulf. I'm sure they are all out of there but I see on the news that the rigs are getting hit...

Hope you are back home in Tx. Ramrod..

All the rigs are shut down and gas will be $3.00/gallon here before the end of the week. I just got back from filling up at $2.48/gallon.

I filled up in Bryant at lunch today Hippie at an astounding 2.59 gallon


Send us a post Ramrod to let us know all is well
Gas here in Northern Arizona is $2.69/gal. and that is cheap for the state. Normally its about $2.77-$2.80/gal.
All is well here in Panama City but we were ready to get outta here if Katrina took a jog to the East. Has anyone heard from Smurfe??? Ithink he lives in Louisiana not too far from New Orleans.

Smurfe, Let us know if you're OK. Margaret
900,000 people without power. 55 dead in Mississippi alone. They might not have a casualty figure for the New Orleans area for a few days. 80% of New Orleans is under water.
Very sad situation and it disturbs me very much. We will all pay the price for this disaster.

Locked in price cap for heating oil today at 2.40 a gallon....price went up .12 today to 2.18 at my local supplier.
OMG......Two levees broke today and theGovernor has ordered everyone out of the city including all the of the thousands of people in the super dome and other shelters....

Yep. I reckon it was our turn for our own brand of tsunami. New Orleans is a very unhealthy place right now and will be for a while to come. Alot of sewers in that flood water. Alot of snakes, rats, alligators, and the likes widespread away form their normal habitats. There will likely be cases of hepatitis for years to blame on this tragedy. They are even evacuating the rescue crews now.I don't think there is an empty motel or hotel room in Arkansas. Even the condos on Fairfield Bay west of here are full of refugees.

Gas here is $2.68/gallon this evening.Edited by: Hippie