how much sorbate and camden for back sweetening

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Oct 2, 2009
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i have had about 4 gallons of strawberry wine fermenting for about 6 months. i just moved it to another container and decided to try to backsweeten it prior to bottling. for this much wine what is the correct backsweetening procedure as far as timing and amounts of sorbate/camden to use? also, how soon should it be best to drink?
Once fermentation has stopped (.990)
Either add 4 tabs of canpton tabs or just short of 1/4tsp of powdered k-meta
Sorbate is added 1/2tsp per gal. Dissolve both before adding. Mix well, wait for a few days then backsweeten.
Backsweeten to YOUR taste with Simple Syrup
We back sweetened at the same time we put in the Campden/Sorbate and didn't have the yeast take off again. We just used boiled water and added sugar in it to disolve. Once it cooled down we put the Campden/Sorbate in that and mixed it, then poured into the carboy and stirred. That's why I like the idea of going heavy with your fruit, so that if you have to make up for lost volume due to racking plain old boiled water works fine and you can mix sugar with that if you want. The wine doesn't taste watered down at all and we probably had replaced close to half a gallon in the 5 gallon carboy with water.