How many hydrometers?

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How many broken hydrometers last year??

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At this wine making business about 15 months and have managed to break one several months back. So it looks like I'm averaging one per year.

I do wish I could get one that was made out of a durable plastic.
For me, it is an indeterminate number. Might be 3, might be 0.but I always break two within a very short period of time, like days and then no more for a long period of time.

And whenever I have to buy a new one, I always buy two.

that's me exactly! When I break one I know I'll be loosing another one real soon :)
In my first year I broke 2. One of those, the top of it crushed in my fingers as I picked it up out of the primary. Since then I've had the same hydrometer for 2+yrs.

Just jinxed it!
John, if this poll jinxes all of us and a flurry of broken hydrometers materializes, It's all on you! :wy
In the 5 1/2 years I've been using them I've only broke 1. I guess now that I'm jinxed...
I started with 3 about 2 years ago and still have 3 today, I only use one of them but I guess the other 2 are serving their insurance purposes so far. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh wasn't here and didn't say anything!
John, if this poll jinxes all of us and a flurry of broken hydrometers materializes, It's all on you! :wy

I did not know of this superstition. Sorry. Just wanted people to not feel bad. That a broken hydrometer happens to everyone. I sure hope that all this bad ju-ju doesn't fall on me, I spent all my money on grapes. :)
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On average I am going through one a year. I have four on hand right now. When I used to only have one at a time I broke a lot more. Now I have spares, I seem to make them last a lot longer for some reason!
I broke one year before last. I had 2 at the time, replaced it, so I still have 2. Broke a carboy this year, noticed a crack across the belly of a 14 gal demijohn last year. No more demijohns. They're too big, heavy, and thin.
I broke one year before last. I had 2 at the time, replaced it, so I still have 2. Broke a carboy this year, noticed a crack across the belly of a 14 gal demijohn last year. No more demijohns. They're too big, heavy, and thin.

I do not want to tell you how many demijohns I have juggled over the years, Got sick of the room they take up and also, yes, they are fragile. I liquidated about 30 of them several years back, took the proceeds, and invested in several SS tanks. I now only use a few of them.

All I can tell you is to be gentle handling them and keep the plastic covers on the jugs at all times. I also make sure that the buckets holding the jugs are clean and solid (not woven baskets) so that if a DJ does go, the bucket will hold most of the wine until I transfer the wine to a new DJ.
Started in June of 11 and just broke my first one a couple months ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
my greatest loss is the glass gal jugs! I lost two of them just last week! :m , Haven't lost a hydrometer lately. Knock, Knock its always when I need them the most!:re
In over 25 years, not a single broken hydrometer and yes I'm hugging a wood stave as I type.

I have broken a 23L and 11.2L carboy (empty). And we won't talk about wine bottles, beer bottles, wine glasses, etc

Just broke my second one in 10 years. I'll be happy if my current one lasts another 5 years!
Never broke a carboy. Started buying the cheap wine glasses at Crate & Barrel so I don't even sweat those anymore.
I just found some cracks in my very first carboy. It's been retired into the garage.
I had the same one all 14+ years until .... All it took was the lightest little tap...