How many gallons do you make a year?

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well for me its no big amounted to an evening walk w a nice cigar w one of my sons....meeting up w someone, who is enthusiastic about our wines...and permitted by evidence son to witness things up close where the rubber meets the road so to speak
The first 5 years I really pushed the 200 gallon limit but I probably only do about 60-80 a year now.
Been a great year....

45 Gallons bottled
36 Gallons Bulk Ageing
23 Gallons yet to make (3 Ports/Sauv Blanc/ & The StrawBerry "O" Project)

will have 104 gallons by years end!

All ready creating the Strategic Plan for next Year.......One certainty is, I will only be making wine from fresh juice/grapes in 2011..

The available juices and their quality in Western PA/NY is too good to pass up.
I have 130 gallons going right now and thinking about another 10 next weekend.((so I can Keep up with Julie and Dan));)
I have 130 gallons going right now and thinking about another 10 next weekend.((so I can Keep up with Julie and Dan));)

LOL, my goal is to get another 10 to 15 gallons going before the end of this year. I still have a lot of fruit in the freezer.
LOL, my goal is to get another 10 to 15 gallons going before the end of this year. I still have a lot of fruit in the freezer.

Ditto here but I waited too long. I want to do 7 gallons of Riesling and 7 gallons of Gewürztraminer to blend when finished but I see Walkers is only selling the Riesling in 5 gallon pails now. I waited too long and that sucks because I can't get the amount I want and you pay an extra $15 for their pail. Oh well will probably pick it up next week and after figuring out the blend when its finished in the Spring I'll just bottle the rest straight.
Yeah, me to. I have 5 gallons of Rhubarb juice, 5 gallons of Riesling Juice (both from Walkers Juice farm and also a Cellar Craft Global Cuvee Piesporter.
guess I am slacking. Only 43 gallons since July. Was too buisy to make any before that. Of 43 gallons, only 31 bottles survive, plus 17 gallons in carboys or buckets right now.