How cold is to cold to bulk age wine??

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Jul 6, 2010
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I have a 6 gl carboy with a Amarone that has been stabilized and I am bulk aging and a 3 gl carboy of muscadine that has been stabilized as well. I was planning to bulk age a while longer. I had these in an unused room where the heat was cut off. It has been really cold here and last night I noticed the thermometer on the carboy was at 46 degrees. Is this to cold? Have I ruined the wine?
I opened the heat register in the room to allow to warm up some.
I would say anythin under 33f. I believe that you do not want the wine to freeze.

The problem is this... The colder the wine is, the slower/longer the maturation process will be. There is a balance scale for wine temp. At one end, where the wine is warm, you run the risk of bacterial problems and the all over maturation is too quick. At the other end, no maturation occurs at all. The perfect temp (not too hot/cold) seems to be around 55f. This is the temp that I would advise that you soot for in bulk storage.
The perfect temp (not too hot/cold) seems to be around 55f. .

Hey, John, that happens to be the perfect water temperature for feeding trout as well. Imagine, my two favourite hobbies tied to the same number!
I would say anythin under 33f. I believe that you do not want the wine to freeze.

The problem is this... The colder the wine is, the slower/longer the maturation process will be. There is a balance scale for wine temp. At one end, where the wine is warm, you run the risk of bacterial problems and the all over maturation is too quick. At the other end, no maturation occurs at all. The perfect temp (not too hot/cold) seems to be around 55f. This is the temp that I would advise that you soot for in bulk storage.
Yep I agree
Hey, John, that happens to be the perfect water temperature for feeding trout as well. Imagine, my two favourite hobbies tied to the same number!

Hmmm... so the ideal place for the carboys while the wine is aging is submerged in a trout stream!
If thats the best place it will be FROZEN over here
Hey, John, that happens to be the perfect water temperature for feeding trout as well. Imagine, my two favourite hobbies tied to the same number!

Gee dugger. You sure are wierd! No many people have a favorite hobby of feeding trout. Most prefer catching, cooking, and eating them.....:)
No, no John - you got it all wrong!! Feed a trout and you can enjoy it for years; catch it and eat it, nah, you only get a fleeting thrill!