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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2015
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So I'm sure y'all got Tom's message about Home Brew Supply the other day and how it helps support this site. So, I popped in on line and took a look around at the wine kits. Did some comparison shopping and checked shipping costs....they had a decent deal on a couple of kits I wanted, so I bought them.

That was Monday afternoon. Fedex truck rolled up this morning! Now, that is great service and quick shipping.

I was hoping they would come on Friday when the wife was at work.....oh well, can't have every thing!
Nice to read a positive and unsolicited report on one of WMT's Sponsors.
Probably gonna pull the trigger on the Bravado Super Tuscan, it is a great price.
OK that sealed it. Eclipse Super Tuscan for 121 shipped to my door is too good to pass up. I might have to order another kit...
Better not wait a minute...

I unpacked my boxes today...everything was as ordered and included a little note signed by Bobby. i had forgotten about the FREE 64 oz stainless steel growler offer they had included!

FREE...free my rear end...everybody is pushing me to keg my beers. That free growler may wind costing me a thousand bucks for kegerator, taps, hoses, and kegs, matching beer glasses and a bar to put it all in....go back, go back...it's a trap!!:):)
Thanks for the feedback, everybody! We're still pretty new (barely a year old), so it's good to hear that you folks like what we're doing :)

Please let us know if there's anything we can do to better serve the Winemaking community!

Thanks for the feedback, everybody! We're still pretty new (barely a year old), so it's good to hear that you folks like what we're doing :)

Please let us know if there's anything we can do to better serve the Winemaking community!


You have my business for sure.
Good deals for sure, I'd wish shipping was a bit cheaper to my location
Hey Jim,

Yeah, we had a free growler deal for orders over $100 going on last week. That sale is over now, but we do have a 15% sitewide (with some exclusions) sale going on right now for Black Friday! Check out some of our wine kits! They're crazy cheap right now:


I just ordered 2 En Premeur kits delivered for $205. :HB Can't beat that deal with a stick! Loving HomeBrewSupply! :db
Which recipe kits did you get? I just finished adding those to the site, and they look AWESOME. Let me know what you think :h

I'm not Roger, but coincidentally I ordered two EP kits as well. The Australian Shiraz, and the Chilean Merlot.

Noticed you're now carrying some Cellar Craft, but it seems only the Sterling line. Any plans to add Showcase kits to your offerings? Thanks.

Noticed you're now carrying some Cellar Craft, but it seems only the Sterling line. Any plans to add Showcase kits to your offerings? Thanks.

Their site used to have the CC Showcase, some of them, but it appears they wanted to clear that inventory and maybe not carry it any longer? But I know they had some of the Showcase for sure; hopefully they will bring them back.