Highbush Cranberry

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Senior Member
May 31, 2007
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When is it time to pick highbush cranberries? We had a frost a couple of weeks ago and they are soft now. Some are drying up. I don't know if that would hurt them or not. I would think you could use them dry.

I have away let the birds pick them so I don't know when to pick them. There are tow bushes in my yard .


The ditch below the orchard is full of them. There should be enough for me and the birds. If anyone has any information on this I would sure appreciate it. Thank you!
Yes they are!
But I think choke cherries taste bad too. I'mwon't out much. So I think I will try some anyway. I'm probably not the one to try these. I'm not much of a wine drinker anyway. But I do like to mess around with things like this. Someone that really appreciates wine should bemaking this. I will give it ago and see what my wine taster thinks of it.
NW do you think I should pick them now?
Yours are looking ready...so pick them before the birds do.

Went out and looked at ours today, they are very red now...they haven't froze yet...[even tho we are far north from you]

Tasted them again...spit it out...but, you know, the aftertaste wasn't too bad....I would only have enough for a gallon.

Willfor sure pick up some fresh cranberries at Thanksgiving time....I made a batch of Cranberry Wine last winter using frozen Old Orchard concentrate, it is blended with apple juice and is quite nice.

Edited by: Northern Winos
How many do you want.
The ditch is loaded with them. If I can get through the wild grape vines. I am going to cut some of those out this winter. They never have grapes on them anyway.
The locals say this is a good year...I think I could come across some if I really wanted....

Damn deer ate all the wild plums...I was just too late waiting for them to get dead ripe....deer tracks in my garden too...they ate those plums as well...revenge is near.
I have been looking for a high bush cranberry receipe, did you use the normal cranberry receipe? Just picked 4 gallons of high bush berries to make wine but not sure how much it will make. It was a very good year for them.
Scott....Guess Swill hasn't seen this Post.

I have wanted to make Highbush Cranberry Wine, but never had enough berries. I hear it's a acquired taste....

Here is a Site with a recipe....


It looks like a good recipe....

Instead of the raisins you could use a grape concentrate or maybe a frozen fruit concentrate.....Just a thought.

Hope this is helpful.
Yep! That is the recipe that I used. I don't know if the wine is any good. It is still bulk aging. And I haven't had the nerve to try it. I can't seem to get past the smell.
I can't try it right now anyway while I am still doing the treatments. Good luck with your's Scott. Edited by: swillologist
Hope both your wines turn out okay....They do have a strange smell....I taste them and spit them out, but the aftertaste is wine-like....so there is possibilities there.

There aren't many berries on our bushes this year....the plants out in the Shelterbelt are really slow...the grass is go thick that all those trees are struggling except the pines. I think they will eventually grow and maybe get some fruit off some of the bushes.
Thanks NW & Swill for the receipe info. My uncle remembers his uncle making the wine andhad the nicestcolor, didn't say anything about the taste, maybe blocked that out. I will give it a try.

Hmm grape cranberry mix, sounds like a plan.
Thanks again
Scott said:
Thanks NW & Swill for the receipe info. My uncle remembers his uncle making the wine andhad the nicestcolor, didn't say anything about the taste, maybe blocked that out. I will give it a try.

Hmm grape cranberry mix, sounds like a plan.
Thanks again

I wouldn't use Concord tho...it has a strong flavor of it's own. I personally would use WinExpert Red Grape Concentrate, we use it in many of our fruit wines...It really make nice wines.

I would consider frozen Niagara juice, but remember it contains a preservative, so leave out a campden tablet or so. Or even a frozen apple juice....or Cranberry/apple.....
Ahhh...the possibilities are endless...Are we having fun yet????
I am really not a fan of cranberry but i can imagine that a cranberry wine could tase good. But you need for sure a huge amout of sugar to get rid of the sour tast. Good luck!
Started the High Bush Cranberry still in primary and a few floaters, the bag came open
Nice color.....

How does it smell????

I'll have an eye out for this one...

Keep us Posted!!!!!
Smells???? Well the bouquet is like.......like Cranberries?

Smells a little sour, not too bad kinda on the same as the pear.

Will keep updates. Tried to grind the golden raisens only small part of the pound but burned up the blender, Santa do you hear that? So ended up just throwing them in.
It's looking good,is done bubbling have to check the sg tomorrow, pictures to follow.
Transfered to secondary last night, tasted kinda good. Think I let the sg get too low before transfer .996, checked a few days before and was 1.052 started at 1.086. Stir a little to get airlock a little bubbly to help protect (thanks Wade) This is 6 gal carboy will move to 5 gal next.