Hi I am new! HELP

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Aug 29, 2005
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Hi, Hope you dont mind if I ask a couple of questions,.I have never made wine before and thought it would be interesting and fun..I have an apple wine recipe.But not sure how to make it how long to let it ferment and do you stir it or not all i have is the recipe and no instructions so please help I want to have some ready for the holidays..Thank you in advance for any help..Here is my recipe..

4 gallons of apple cider

5-7 lbs. sugar

4 lbs. honey

2 cups chopped golden raisins

1 cup chopped figs

1 tbls.crushed anise seed

2 tsp.yeast energizer

2 1-2 tsp.pectic enzyme

5 tsp.yeast nutrient

6 banannas

4 camden tablets

water to make 6 gallons

This is what I have could you help??
Go to your public library and read and study about winemaking, go to a good bookstore and look for winemaking books, do a search on google for The Winemaking Homepage and read the entire website, then get with George and order a nice equipment and starter kit that fits your needs. No need to get started making wine until you have read and studied up on the entire process. You will likelyfail and get overwhelmed and frustrated and disinterested.Does this help?

Welcome to the forum!
Heed Hippies advice Cowgirl for he is a wise old owl when it comes to wine making.

Welcome to the forum and hope you will keep us appraised of the progress on your wine

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