Hi From Upstate NY

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Aug 19, 2011
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My name is Andrew, I'm 29, have loved wine for a few years now, and recently I have taken up the idea to make wine with my 87 yr old grandfather. He made wine in the past, nothing really that good, but he enjoyed it, and I'd always pretend I did as well. But in recent years he moved in to a townhouse complex so he doesn't really have the room anymore. So I thought I'd step in and make it a project betwixt the two of us, on his dime of course. SO I am here to start learning. Thanks for the help.

Hi RedLeaf,
Welcome to the forum. It's wonderful you have a grandfather you can share the experience with. Pick his brain. I'm sure he has a wealth of experience.
Welcome to WMT. You are blessed to have an 87yr old grandfather in which to enjoy this new hobby, share good times, memories and this entire experience with. Savor it like the best bottle of wine you ever opened!
Welcome to our website. We are glad to have you here and we are here to help you along this obsession of ours!
Welcome to the forum, Andrew. I used to live in Fairport on Vineyard Hill, right across the street from Casa Larga Vineyards. Are you familiar with it? You are fortunate to have a number of suppliers in your area. If they are all still there, I know there was a store by the canal in Bushnell's Basin, a store in Penfield and one in Canandaigua. You should have no problem getting deeply into this madness!
Hi andrew!

Great to see here someone in my age! You are lucky to have some who can help you with wine making. It is lots of fun!!! From my own experience, more I am reading about new technologies more my wine making way is different than my fathers. Now I am on my own and it is more a family competition where my mom is the judge and often she has to be very diplomatic, if you know what I mean.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the kind replies. Rocky, actually I live right outside of Penfield, so I know exactly where you are talking about. I know that we have a lot of great wineries, so I'm sure that will be helpful. Now I just have to get to reading these threads. Thanks again!

Welcome Redleaf enjoy the time you have with your grandfather making wine

My name is Andrew, I'm 29, have loved wine for a few years now, and recently I have taken up the idea to make wine with my 87 yr old grandfather. He made wine in the past, nothing really that good, but he enjoyed it, and I'd always pretend I did as well. But in recent years he moved in to a townhouse complex so he doesn't really have the room anymore. So I thought I'd step in and make it a project betwixt the two of us, on his dime of course. SO I am here to start learning. Thanks for the help.


Macedon, huh?

I used to live just down 31F in the apartment complex right near blue herron hills if my memory serves me correctly. I grew up in Rochester, NY and when my wife and I first got married, we moved to Macedon because it was cheaper living out in the country.

There is a ton of farms and orchards up in your area! I'm sure you could make some killer wines from the stone fruits that are grown in that area! As a kid, I remember my parents taking us kids to the cider mills for donuts and pumpkin picking. I know I would try an apple or pear wine for sure!

Well, enough of my trip down memory lane. I hope you and your grandfather have a good time with this! Enjoy the time together as he won't always be around. My grandfather (WWII vet) died back in March. I will always cherrish the memories!


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