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Mar 3, 2012
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Have recently started to get into lacto-fermenting, and while doing some reading, found mention of a jalapeño wine in a general section on country wines. That piqued my interest, and the interest of my friend, so we decided to jump in head first (she's made beer and cider, and a couple years ago I made a few quarts of cider with wild yeast, but this is the first time either of us has done a wine). Just here for your expert advice (so I hopefully don't end up with really spicy rocket fuel).

Just posted the specifics of what we're working on in the beginner's forum, and would love any advice from those who have been there and done that.

Welcome Matt, many people here have made that wine before and all I can say is that if you bought a new fermenting bucket for this and plan to make other wines you will want to get another bucket as it will transfer the heat and the flavor for at least 1 batch but maybe more.
Welcome to the forum. Listen to what Wade said about a seperate pail for fermenting the jalapeno wine. I am the one that ruined an entire batch of Riesling from the carry over of the Jalapeno.
Thanks for the advice re: pepper in the primary. I'll have to see what my partner in crime has to say about that (not entirely sure what their setup looks like). Maybe I could use the primary my brother uses for cider. :D Wouldn't that be a surprise...

My first thought was to just throw a food safe liner in there... but the few I can find which would be large enough are more than a new fermenter would be. o_0