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Mar 25, 2005
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How long do you mix this stuff? I've had the drill mixer going
and when it's too hot I use the loong spoon. After 30 minutes no
sign of foam giving out. What's up oh all knowing gurus?
My kit wine says mix for 2 minutes, then wait 15 minutes and mix again,
do this 3 times, maybe you need to wait in between stirrings.
Lifting heavy things sounds really good to me! Daaaah!
Maybe I should wait 15 minutes. My "kit" doesn't say that but I
know you have some real experience at this...thanks I'll sit back...

Temperature also has an effect on the release of the CO2. More gas will be released when the wine is at 75 degrees than will be released at 65 degrees.
ooopppssss, don't cofuse me with someone who knows what they are doing,
I just started this wine making 2 months ago, just a fast starter..lol
If you are stirring and stirring and not getting much foam, you probably were smart and have been stirring all along during fermentation. Good job. You should also do the shake it up in a bottle test.

I gave up "defizzing" last night. I'm a wimp and go to bed early. I put the air lock back on and will stir again tonight waiting between each 2 minute stir. I am going to leave it in the carboy while I'm on vacation. From what I'm reading I sounds like I can do that. (after defizzing and capping it off with wine ).
Yes, you can leave your wines a long time like that. Just make sure you have enough water in your airlock before you go. If you are gone for longer than 4 weeks, then you are a very lucky person.
No, seriously, if you are gone for longer than 4 weeks, make sure you have a person to just check on the water levels of the airlocks.
Thanks for the advice! I WISH I could leave for 4 weeks...no way. Thanks again...Laurie
Here I am again whineing :)....What the heck am I doing wrong or do I
have errroneous expections? I have been whipping my wine with a
drill for 3-4 minutes every 15 minutes and still do not have "still"
wine. I have about 5 inches down from the bung (SP?) and am
faithfully whipping up the mixture for about 3 minutes then waiting 15
to 20 minutes to start again. It foams up to and into the lover level
of the "bung". Last night I was told I was "whipping" too long
and not resting enough so I've modified my approach. Do you all
de-gass for this long? I'm leaving for vacation onTuesday and
need to de-gas before I top it off and hang out..fishing in the Abacos
for 10 days. The temperture is around 70-72 degrees. Hey
Gureus...help me out please. Thanks! Laurie
I would give it a rest until after vacation. As much as you have stirred, you should have the CO2 out by now.

When you get back from vacation, use your wine thief to take a sample. Put the sample in a wine glass and swill it around really hard. If you don't see any bubbles, you are good to go. You should also taste it. If you still have too much CO2, it will taste fizzy.

I wish I was closer to see for myself.

As an aside, I am starting to question the quality of the Whip de-gasser. If anyone has any thoughts about it, please post them.
Hi George..."I'm not worthy"...you're the best for answering so
fast...I'm really surprised that I still have such substantial
foam. I also don't see a far reaching vortex. This is a real
issue for me because I'm still a 16 hour a day worker and time is
really an issue. I just can't believe I've been working at
this for hours and there is still substantial fizzing. I wondered
if the "bung" restricted the air flow so much that that the co2
couldn't escape. I have so much time invested I'm hanging in there
but...wow...is my "arreau" (sp) restricting the dissapiation of co2?
I'm giving it one more shot tonight then an going to bed ( wimp that I
am ). I can't figure this out but I'll keep "whipping" it for 2-3
minutes every day intervals at 15 minutes when I think of it and then
leave on my vacation. I can't figure it out but will hope for the
best. Thanks Laurie
Laurie, You are worthy, I think the problem is either with the drill or the whip. You should be getting a vortex in the wine. If not, you will not get the CO2 out. Are you using a battery powered drill or electric. Some of the battery powered drills do not have enough power to stir the wine properly. I use an electric drill as my battery drill barely moves the wine.

I still vote on giving it a rest until you get back from vacation. The CO2 is not going anywhere and it will not adversely affect your wine, unless you bottle it. When you get back, you will have the Fizz-x to use. With a good drill, the fizz-X WILL degass your wine.
I'm taking your advice and capping it off until I return. I am using a power drill. When I said I wasn't getting a sufficient vortex I meant a deep one that I could see it picking up the particles on the bottom of the carboy. I use the long spoon to "unsettle" the bottom and then the power drill. Maybe it needs to set a while....thanks
ljcjd... i'm having the same problem... i've been whipping mine for the last two weeks, (6 days total of whipping for 3-4 hours at a time)... i junked the wine whip to try a mixx-stir, but same results... if i stir at the bottom, it's fine, when i bring the mixxstir toward the top of the carboy, foam comes up every time... i think i have a carboy of CO2 disquised as wine... what is the Bottle test??? i shook store bought wines, and even they bubble when i shake them, even though they are flat wines.... also i pulled out a bottle and a half of wine from my carboy last night, if i am going to degass every night, do i need to top off every night or will it be ok not to top off for the next few days???
Lauri, you seem to be working way to hard, this wine is done fermenting isn't it. (what step are you in?)
i was also reading about the vortex, i thought when i started to get a vortex, i was supposed to reverse the drill in the opposite direction... is this true, or should we allow the vortex to continue to drive off CO2 ??? i feel your pain and frustration Laurie... i need to ice down my shoulder, or i might have to get tommy john surgery!!!
Something is wrong here. I am going to call Winexpert today and see what they have to say.
ljcjd, particles on the bottom? It sounds like you need to rack it and
let it settle for at least another 30 days. If after 30 day you see
more sediment on the bottom rack again and let settle for another 30
days. Do this until sediment free. From the sound of it you still have
some active yeast, so you may consider adding campden when you rack to
kill the yeast. My advice could be way off for a kit so follow their