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Senior Member
Oct 26, 2010
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Started a batch of skeeter pee Sunday night. Went to work Monday thinking I'd be home Tuesday afternoon so I could add yeast. Wrong. Didn't get home until this afternoon. Can I go on with adding the yeast or did the the must go bad since it was sitting for 4 days?
If it doesn't have mold or smell bad, I'd go ahead and pitch the yeast. It is possible wild yeast have already started fermentation. That's OK, pitch yours anyway.
It still looks and smells ok. Kinda hard to smell it though because I have another batch of skeeter pee fermenting right next to it. I'll go ahead and pitch the yeast. Thank you.
Some people have had trouble getting a batch started and didn't get ferment for over a week and it still seemed OK. Lemon is a tough juice!
Not only is the lemon juice tough but many of us have clorinated water and it may take a few days to get out of the water. I'm sure your fine.